A True Friend

��True friends love you when you're down,
Happy when you're up,
Right by your side when trials come.
Speak up if you're wrong,
Commend you when you're right...��

Isn't it beautiful? That is a song that interprets what is a true friend means.

For you what is a true friend? Is it the one who can make you happy and a good companion? Or is it the one that influenced you badly?

Sometimes, people want to have a friend 'coz they know that they can get benefits from it. But, can you get a true friend if your ONLY purpose is to get the benefit out of that person?

There's a woman who has a lot of friends on her social media account (Facebook). She got almost 1000 friends. But sadly, NO ONE ever replied to her when she asks for help before she commits suicide. How awful, isn't it? Why do you think it happens? Do you think she finds her true friend out of that 1000 FB friends?

A true friend is not just a companion. He can help you when problems arise. He can sticks to you closer than a brother. And you can say that he was born, to help you with your circumstances.

So how can you choose a true friend?

Choose the one who has the same belief, perspective, viewpoint, and philosophy as you. It might be hard at first, but when you found that one, it's worth it. He can support you physically, spiritually, and sometimes financially.

Some people can't find their true friends. Do you know why? They search for the wrong place. For example, some tend to accept a friend whoever, wherever, and whatever it is. Indeed, you can easily find a new friend online or on any social media account. But, many people are pretentious online. And for sure, we don't want to have a friend who is just pretending and not sincere in his words. So, instead of searching for your true friend online, why not try to find it in your place? Remember that being a true friend doesn't mean that you need to have the same age or even culture.

I'm happy that I have true friends right now. And I know that they are faithful and can be my true friend continuously, maybe forever.

One of them is named Shiela.


We've known each other personally. I consider her one of my so-called "true friends". We didn't grow on the same family, lifestyle, beliefs, or even place. But I'm happy that I met this person. I know that I can depend on her when a problem occurs. I know that she's always there to say something if I was wrong. See? If I found one, I'm sure you can find one too. 😊

��Disclaimer: All photographs by me, 
 unless otherwise stated. 
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