Sunset behind the boarding house

Hi all friends!!!

On this occasion I would like to tell you about Sunset behind the boarding house. At that time I went to Banda Aceh and stayed at one of my friend's boarding houses which was located at Prada. There the atmosphere of the boarding house is also very good and very safe for us, especially the problem of the train that we put outside.

Arriving in Banda at that time at 16:50 wih and the atmosphere was not raining there even though we were wet from Indrapuri to Banda Aceh. And at 18:00 WIB when I was about to take a shower, I saw the beauty of nature which is very beautiful in color.

And this Sunset color is also very rare for me to find nowadays because the Sunset I find is always yellow and recently I saw a pink Sunset. This is a very rare phenomenon for me and I really like natural beauty like this.

While enjoying the sunset, I also talked to my neighbor next to the boarding house, apparently he was also taking several photos like me. This sunset also makes me very comfortable with its beauty, but this sunset never makes everyone bored and this sunset is also where people are always waiting for it.

While looking at Sunset I also saw the swamps behind the boarding house which had lots of trees and no one wanted to clean them up even I was really disgusted to see like this. However, this swamp functions to be able to see Sunset with the reflection of the water hahah.

After a few minutes I saw the beauty of this Sunset and then I went inside because it was already sunset and I had not cleaned up when I arrived at the boarding house. I will always remember this moment and even I am very happy to see this Sunset. May we also be given health and longevity so that we can carry out perfect activities.

Maybe that's all for this post, see you in my next post.


1DeviceRedmi 11 Pro
2LocationAceh, Indonesia
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