Maulid Menu

Hi everybody!!!

On this occasion I would like to explain about Maulid. On October 30, 2022, my village held an event to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This event is an event eagerly awaited by the Muslim community or community.

This birthday has also become a tradition for Muslims in Aceh where the event is very lively, both in terms of the event or the da'wah event tonight. At my house there is also a birthday party because people also all make parties at home.

This event at my house provides a variety of food menus, but I took a photo of this food when it was about to run out and this is the result. While enjoying this Maulid event, I also help my parents as much as I can because this is a woman's job.

Maulid also every village must exist because this custom never disappears from aceh events and birthdays like this, people really like Bulukat on banana leaves. Even the Maulid event was held at the meunasah as usual there would be a rice distribution event and so on.

And the people also really like this Maulid event because dike in our language (aceh) and this is followed by elementary school children from their pesantren. After the event is over, there will be rice distribution and eating together at the meunasah or we want to eat at sea with friends too, because this is free, we want to enjoy it anywhere.

Long story short, dinner at my house has rice oil, shrimp and many other menus as you can see in the picture. The rice that I like the most is nasi lemak because this rice is very delicious and rare at this maulid event. And the guests who arrived home also really enjoyed the food my parents made.

Maybe that's all for this post, see you in my next post.


1DeviceRedmi 11 Pro
2LocationAceh, Indonesia
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