enjoying the sunset while watching people fly kites

Hi everyone!!!

On this occasion I want to explain about enjoying the sunset while watching people fly kites. On this happy afternoon, I went to UBM (Ulee Blang Mane) village. UBM village is one of the closest villages to my house and can be said to be a neighbor of the village.

And we are also very compact along the way because we live on the border of the village between Ule Blang Mane and Meunasah Blang. So this afternoon it's not raining and the sunshine is very beautiful, so I decided to watch the kites there because this game is very rare now.

This game is also played when the farmer's harvest season is over and small children or teenagers immediately start making various kinds of kites and even playing with kites there used to be a tournament at our place and we were very happy when watching it.

While enjoying the kite game, I also enjoyed the beauty of the sunset this afternoon which as usual sunset is a natural phenomenon where the sun will set on the western horizon. The sunlight is also very fitting, especially when the wind is strong near the rice fields.

The person who enjoys the sunset and watches the kites is also not myself, but there are many people who watch even adults who take part in this game because it is very exciting. This game can be said once a year we can play it so it feels like once a kite season, people gather together.

A moment from watching the kites and the sun starting to set. People also started to lower their kites and people started to go home because it was getting late. This is the rarest moment because today's children no longer play like this and today's children mostly play smartphones.

Maybe that's all for this post, see you in my next post.


1DeviceRedmi 11 Pro
2LocationAceh, Indonesia
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