RE: First Post From 'Merica 🦅 Kentuckiana 🌪️ Where The Bible Belt, Rust Belt, & Tornado Alley Collide

Hi hi Justin ... This is an interesting read. Everytime you tell me about the detailing job, I had to use some of my imagination but finally get to see it. 8 hours for a car is pretty tough. Now I get it why after I spend about an hour or two on my car, it doesn't look as showroom as it should be. It must be pretty scary to steal back those cars . In Malaysia, car dealers usually collect the full amount for second hand cars that can't be loaned. I have been really curious about guns . So it is that most Americans can carry a gun at all times in case of self defense?

Your dad looks pretty young. What was his first response when he saw you after such a long time. The buildings despite mostly being vacant looks quite decent except without humans. It's pretty sad to have that feeling of being in a whole city where economic activity slows down and buildings are left vacant.

Are there any greens? Just curious cause I looked at all the photos and did not see much trees or plants.

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