Century egg - Have you tried it before?

Hi hi.. Have you tried century egg before.. ? I recently went to Lawas, Sarawak. Visited a very popular restaurant in Lawas. Lawas is a booming town in Sarawak. The town that everyone passes by on the way to Sabah from Brunei. About a decade ago, while I was there, there weren't a lot of buildings. This time, I was there, there were lots of buildings.

Century egg, anybody?

This is very popular here in Sarawak. It's not a century old. Duck eggs soaked in dark liquid to give it that dark colour. Just joking. But it does need some soaking for months in salt, ash, clay ... you may like it or not. I did not like it but slowly I am enjoying some century eggs sliced in my porridge especially. So where did I go to eat this delicious delicacy?

HAO WEI Restaurant

This is where we ate lunch. Famous in Lawas. Seafood is what this place is famous for. Lobsters. Oysters. Clam..

Ordered a cup of sugarless coffee

Yummy. This is what I usually order at a restaurant. A cup of sugarless coffee.

The menu

What should I order here? There are lots to order. I usually randomly look at stuff and order. My wife usually does that decision for me. I'll just eat.

A plate of salted egg chicken

Yummy. Salted egg. Yes. Lots and lots of eggs. Do you like food with eggs? I do. Salted egg chicken. Yummy. The rice is not fried.

My wife ordered a bowl of porridge

In Sarawak, usually, the bowl of porridge comes with century egg. Flavours the porridge.

Have you tried something like that before?

You have to slice it into sections before eating it...

Bookmark this place. If you do drive to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, this is a place to stop by to have quick lunch then continue your journey again.

Have a great day.


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