The funniest birthday I ever experienced.

Greetings everyone,

I'm making this content to support this contest hosted by @straykat.


Birthdays are the days that most of us are excited and happy. During my childhood days, there's one thing that until now make me smile thinking about it. I was born and raised in the province of Cebu, Philippines. I can't point out which year was it happened and how old am I that time but my life there before is so simple that during my/our birthdays our parents use to cook just the traditional dish which was the stewed chickens for our birthdays.

Here why this was my funniest birthday moment

Because I didn't grow up with my parents and I was adopted by my aunt (my father's sister's side). When I was a kid I used to celebrate my birthdays with nothing sometimes if I'm lucky that somebody could remember my birthday they will prepare something for me. Luckily I had a very kind grandfather. When I was a kid and he was still alive he uses to pledge chicken for my birthdays. He has a lot of chickens like the one we call native chickens and he also breeds chickens for cockfighting.

So, on that day it was my birthday he told my uncle that he will give me a chicken to cook for my birthday and even told him which chicken and what colour because he was going out for something. It's almost twilight I was called by my uncle because he's going to catch the chicken and will do our traditional belief (I don't know what type of superstitious belief) When it's our birthday our forehead is signed with a cross from the chicken blood indicating that it was our birthday and cook the chicken for a meal to share.

So going back with the chicken when he was about to catch the chicken it runs and fly away and because it was getting dark already grandpa decided to give another chicken the one from the cage. Uncle immediately went there to start the cooking he put a cross sign on my forehead first and prepare the chicken for cooking.


After a few hours, we eat and didn't even sing a happy birthday song and at that time it was fine because we are used to it. From grandpas chicken, I was being happy with the simply prepared food for my birthday but in the morning it was a funny moment grandpa went out to check on his chickens for cockfighting he wonder why one was missing and so he asks some of us but later realise my uncle picked the wrong chicken
grandpa was very upset and mad at first because he was about to nurture that chicken for a cockfighting purpose but then it was relished last night and he even joint eating and so we have nothing to do but to chuckle about it but later on grandpa made a laugh and realize that how come he didn't notice right away and even enjoyed eating it with us.

Until now our tradition of painting chickens' blood of a cross to our forehead is still present but only a few are still performing it but the chicken dish is very present up to this days

So far that was the only funny thing I can imagine from my last birthday. Thank you @straykat for reminding me that day and I hope you're happy with my story and made you laugh.😁

Stay safe everyone💕

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