Some random nature @lota34


How are you ?Hope everyone is well. And I am well, by the grace of God, I am here with you today with some photography. Although I am not very good at photography. But I am also trying to do photography. Every week I try to share a photo post with you. The pictures I will share with you today are taken from different places at different times. The photos I will share today are mostly taken with the sky as the background. Personally I like taking pictures with the sky in the background. I hope you like my photo today. So let's see the photos.

The first

I took this picture a few days ago. I took this picture from the front of my uncle's house. The view was quite beautiful while leaving in the morning. So I took it. I was mesmerized by the view of the big trees, various green leaves and the blue sky above it all. Such a scene is not often seen in the city. I hope you like this scene too.

The second

I took this picture a long time ago. I took a picture from the roof of our house. The landscape of yellow flowers and green leaves with the sky was amazing. I took this picture after the rain. Nature looks beautiful after rain. And because of the presence of flowers I liked it more so I took this picture.

The third

I took this picture a few days ago. Here I have mainly photographed the young leaves of the pumpkin. But the blue sky behind him looked much better. I think the blue sky is why the picture looks so good. The photo was taken from the balcony of our house.

The Fourth

The fruit of this picture is sour fruit. They are also called sour fruit or Mesta fruit or Chukai. They are usually eaten with food. They are used to enhance the sour taste of food. If you cook khattu using pickled leaves of this plant, it will taste better.

The fifth

By looking at these pages you must have recognized which pages they are. These are bamboo leaves. Although we use bamboo nutrition in our lives in a negative sense, bamboo plants are very beautiful, and I don't know why bamboo plants are compared like this. But the bamboo leaves looked good with the blue sky. So I took a picture.

The sixth

This photoshoot also took place in the village. Solar radiation decreases significantly after noon. Due to this, sunlight cannot be seen clearly. Various trees around and a piece of sky in the middle. I really like this scene.

The seventh

This photoshoot is also taken from the roof of our house. I sunbathed among the leaves of the trees at sunset. Almost everyone likes to watch such a show on an autumn afternoon. Sunrise and sunset are my favorite times. Sunrises are not often seen, but sunsets are often seen. So sometimes I try to take pictures of the sunset. I hope you don't mind this picture.

Friends I am ending my post here by wishing you all good health and thanks.

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