Eid celebration is a joy for everyone.

Greetings, dear friends and colleagues. I hope this message finds you wrapped in the warmth and joy of unity of the Eid festival. I've had a really exciting journey these past few days and I can't wait to share it with you all! My parents and two younger sisters came to visit us in Chittagong to celebrate Eid and it was truly an unforgettable experience.

We decided to cook numerous traditional specialties throughout the night to make this day more special and unforgettable. Everyone helped cook their favorite food, it was a family affair.

Desserts were my responsibility and I prepared 'Sahi Nawabi Shemai', 'Egg Pudding' and 'Milk Shemai'. I have to admit, they turned out delicious and looked really amazing. My mother also helped me a lot in the kitchen. He made a fine roast, a delicious polla and an irresistible beef cutlet that delighted everyone's palate.

The day before Eid was a frenzy of excitement and activity. My sister, my mother and I ran back and forth around the kitchen, each focused on our own tasks. Amidst all the preparation and cooking, I managed to get henna on my left hand. This is a wonderful custom that adds more sophistication to the celebration. We finished at four in the morning and went to bed excited for the next day.

We got up again at eight in the morning, so we didn't have much time to recover. While I was busy cleaning our house and getting everything ready for the day's celebration, my husband went to Eid prayers in his Punjabi.

After a delicious family breakfast in the morning, we started the habit of asking the elders for salami. Here, youngsters like us seek blessings and accept gifts or money from our elders. This is a unique and fun practice. It is a wonderful and exciting experience every time.

Besides getting ready for the day, I am wearing my new Eid clothes for my baby. She had the best looks and won everyone over with her naive charm.

We went out as the day progressed to capture some beautiful moments with our families. We have recorded the joy and enthusiasm that reigned in the atmosphere in some beautiful photos. We decided to explore Naval Sea Beach later in the day and it was a rejuvenating and peaceful experience. It was the ideal way to end our Eid celebrations - the sound of the waves, the fresh air and the presence of my loved ones.

All in all, this Eid was a mix of love, humor and community. It was a joy to spend time with my family creating lasting memories while indulging in wonderful cuisine and traditions. I am deeply grateful and happy to have experienced these priceless moments and look forward to many reunions and celebrations with my loved ones in the years to come.

I sincerely hope that each of you had a wonderful Eid filled with love, joy and prosperity.

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