Get to know Indonesian special fruits, and process them into "Kedondong Sweets" which are delicious and beneficial for health

Hi all friends of #aseanhive lovers.

You are certainly no stranger to Indonesia, and of course you already know a little bit about Indonesia because many Indonesian hivers have joined #aseanhive, and often show and review something about Indonesia, both its beautiful nature or its unique and delicious food.

And today I as an Indonesian citizen who loves all of you members of #aseanhive will share with you all about the natural wealth found in Indonesia.

I will reveal and discuss about a unique type of fruit that exists in Indonesia, and this fruit is a typical fruit from Indonesia, and if you visit Indonesia you will find various types of drinks, and snacks made from fruit that has a distinctive sour taste.

Yes, the fruit I mean is the kedondong fruit, this fruit that has a sour taste is processed with a variety of delicious recipes so that it becomes a food or drink that is hunted by tourists who travel to Indonesia.

One of the processed kedondong fruits that grabs the attention of many people is "Manisan Kedondong", which is formulated and mixed in a simple way and produces a delicious taste that makes this "sweet Kedondong" get the attention of many people.

Before explaining at length and exploring more deeply about how to process kedondong fruit into "Kedondong sweets", I will show you the processed results that I have prepared for all of you below......

And did you know that it turns out that kedondong fruit has many health benefits?

I got some information about the benefits of this kedondong for health from my mother-in-law, she advised me to often consume this kedondong fruit and my mother-in-law also has one kedongdong tree that is planted in her garden.

Among the benefits of kedondong fruit is to facilitate digestion, because this kedondong fruit contains vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber and carbohydrates.

Vitamin A contained in this kedondong fruit is able to maintain and maintain eye health, and also maintain the immune system.

Now I will invite all of you to get to know "fruit kedondong" and how to process it for consumption..

I went to my father-in-law's garden to pick some kedondong fruits that were there, and brought them home to be processed by my wife.

Kedondong tree is a tree that has a long life, aged up to 50 years and even more, with a height of up to 20 meters.

You can of course see the picture I took above, my mother-in-law's kedondong tree is more than 15 meters tall with many branches growing.

To pick the fruit of this kedondong I was not allowed to climb it, because in addition to the towering stems, also because the branches of this kedondong are very fragile and cannot withstand heavy loads, so I prefer to use a pole made of a piece of bamboo measuring 30 meters to pick it up. that fruit.

I brought home some kedondong fruit that I picked in my father-in-law's garden, and my wife processed it into delicious "Kedondong Sweets".

First, my wife peeled this kedondong fruit with a knife and removed the skin clean.

Some are cut into small pieces and some are left large.

After this kedondong fruit is peeled and cut according to my wife and I taste, then the kedondong is cleaned using plain water until clean.

After that, I went to the stage of preparing a little seasoning in the form of small cayenne pepper and salt, I chose to use 7 small cayenne peppers that were still not ripe and green, as well as a tablespoon of salt, then crushed until crushed.

After that, put 2 liters of water into the pot and cook it until it boils, then pour the mashed spices consisting of small cayenne pepper and salt into the boiling water, and add a little sugar and food coloring, and I chose a yellow dye.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, pour the boiled water into a container that has been put the kedondong fruit into it.

After that, let it sit for a while, I chose to let it sit for 2 hours, and after that the processed "Kedondong Fruit" is ready to be enjoyed.

And you know, it turns out that drinking "Manisan Kedondong" makes the badab feel fresh and uplifting, even the wind comes out of the rotten wind in the body.

About the taste, of course very delicious and delicious, the distinctive sour taste mixed with sweetness really makes the tongue vibrate.

that's all from me today, hope you all like it.

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