Visiting the Wild With Little Animals There?

Some of the beauty of macro photography that you can see today, some macro lens captures that you can see and comment on, as well as some efforts to do a little but have a long impact on the process that I have to do, in order to get good results.

In each macro animal, there will always be different levels of difficulty both in terms of the place and also the type of animal that we want to take a few pictures of, but there I always have to be more careful with several possibilities, objects that I have seen can be lost unexpectedly, because every star will feel and know who they are looking at, although I don't know if the animal saw me while shooting this.

From some of the objects that I will share, I also spent looking at some things in common in the article before me, and I tried to quote for information and if it exists then I will share it in my writing as well.

Wolf spider wolf spider, unlike spiders in general. Wolf spiders do not make webs and do not catch their prey in these webs. Instead, this spider chases and hunts its prey like a wolf does

Wolf spider
is not like spiders in general. Wolf spiders do not make webs and do not catch their prey in these webs. As, this spider chases and chases its prey like a wolf does. The insects it sees are chased, caught and bitten or eaten. Although wolf spiders look very similar to tarantulas, they are generally smaller and are of a different breed. The scientific name for the wolf spider is "Lycosidae" Wolf spiders are nocturnal, walking on the ground looking for insects. Also hunt on cocoa branches and trees. Wolf spiders are very fast moving. Spiders are hard to catch because of their extreme speed. During the day spiders are among mossy or rotting objects.

And another photo of an animal that is not so strong to hold, because this animal if hit by a shock will fall by itself, and I only got two shots before I lost this little animal.

Coccinella transversalis commonly known as the transverse ladybug or transverse lady beetle is a species of ladybug found from India across southern and southeastern Asia to Malesia and Australia.

Thank you for being on my blog today, and I took this portrait with some captions.

Locationindonesia, aceh
CameraSmartphone Oppo A12
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