Sultan Agung Historical Movie -The Attack Of Javanese Kingdom to Batavia

A movie is an art that all people can enjoy. The movie is based on the true story of the attack of Mataram- the last Javanese kingdom to VOC in Batavia, now Jakarta. The VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) was the largest trading company in the archipelago, combining the spice trade from the east in strengthening the Dutch position in Indonesia.
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The movie is directed by a young movie director Hanung Bramantyo created in 2018.

A summary of Sultan Agung Mataram's 1628

Actors : Raden Mas Rangsang (The Young Sultan) - Marthino Lio), Sultan Agung - Ario Bayu, Lembayung - Ardinia Wirasti. Young Lembayung - Putri Marino , Hans de Kraker - Jan Pieterzoon Coen.
Genre - Action, and Drama.
For the premium movie, you can watch it at
You can watch the free full movie in youtube

The Story

Sultan Agung Adi Prabu Anyakrakusuma) reigned from 1613 to 1645 as the third Sultan of Mataram in Central Java.A skilled soldier, he conquered neighbouring states and expanded and consolidated his kingdom to its greatest territorial and military power.

In Javanese tradition, a king usually has more than one wife. An Empress is a wife whose children are entitled to inherit the royal throne. A child who has the right to the throne is a man. However, the Empress of the Sultan Mataram II was mentally handicapped. Raden Mas Rangsang was born from the second wife. The Sultan Mataram II had known that Raden Mas Rangsang was going to be a strong man. He sent his son from the second wife (Banowati) to a Javanese boarding school when he was 10 years old. The Javanese boarding school was called Padepokan.

In Padepokan, students learn history, art, politics, millitery, humanity, and martial arts. Raden Mas Rangsang met Lembayung in Padepokan. Lembayung was a daughter of Lurah. Lurah is a lowly official of the Mataram Kingdom. Lembayung was Rangsang's mate in Padepokan. Sultan Mataram II sent Raden Mas Rangsang secretly. No one knew that Rangsang was the son of the Sultan except the lecture.

Raden Mas Rangsang fell in love with Lembayung. When Rangsang was 20, a messenger from the palace told him that Sultan Mataram II had died. Raden Mas Rangsang was brought to the palace by the royal guards.

Lembayung had just found out that Rangsang was the son of the Javanese King. She cried because it was impossible for a son of a king to marry a common girl.
There was an internal conflict in the palace. All the Sultan's advisors told him that the Sultan inherited the power to Raden Mas Rangsang. A king cannot be an unmarried person. Therefore, Raden Mas Rangsang was married to a noble daughter from Batang.

Lembayung and Raden Mas Rangsang sacrificed their love to the Javanese Kingdom. Raden Mas Rangsang was appointed the Third King of Mataram with the title Sultan Agung Anyakrakusuma.

Raden Mas Rangsang was a smart and educated man. He succeeded in unifying the divisions of the vassal regions throughout Java. Under his rule, Mataram became a strong kingdom.

Jayakarta fell into the hands of the VOC. Jayakarta's name was changed to Batavia. The general of the VOC was Jan Pieterzoon Coen. The VOC sent an envoy to Mataram to conclude a trade agreement, but Sultan Agung gave permission on conditions that were burdensome for the VOC. Sultan Agung understood that the VOC trade agreement was the entrance to colonialism. This is proven by the fall of Jayakarta. Prince Jayakarta gave permission for the VOC to enter, but in the end he was expelled from the Jayakarta area. Finally, Jayakarta changed its name to Batavia.

The Sultan Agung Attack to Batavia

The first attack was in 1628. The attack was led by Tumenggung Bahurekso. The attack failed and Tumenggung Bahurekso and his son were killed. In the first attack, the Mataram troops came in the second wave under the leaders of Sura Agul-agul, Madurejo and Tapasena. The attack failed again, but the Mataram troops killed a lot of VOC soldiers.

The second attack was in 1629, Sultan Agung made the second attack on Batavia under the command of Pangeran Purbaya and Pangeran Puger. The Mataram troops suffered a major defeat because the food supply on the north coast of Java was burned by Dutch spies from the Javanese. But in this attack, the VOC also suffered heavy losses and deaths among its soldiers. Mataram troops carried out sabotage by damming the Ciliwung river, causing various diseases. As a result of this sabotage, JP Coen, the VOC general in Batavia, died of cholera.

The Mystery of the death of Jan Pieterzoon Coen.

In the historical records of the Dutch government, JP Coen's death was due to cholera. But for Mataram, the death of JP Coen was the success of a female Mataram intelligence agent named Utari, who was smuggled in with Mahmudin, a Mataram agent from Aceh. Utari managed to cut off Coen's head and send it to Mataram by relay. She also poisoned Coen's wife to death within days of the second Mataram attack on Batavia. Utari was finally killed.

The Spirit of Sultan Agung Attack to VOC

Sultan Agung's attack on Batavia had given the spirit of Javanese resistance to colonialism. Although after the death of Sultan Agung, the successor of Sultan Agung Amangkurat I submitted to the Dutch, the Javanese people remember Sultan Agung's resistance as the spirit of eternal resistance.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the movie!

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