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Ciplukan - What is the name in your country?

The biological name is Physalis. It grows wildly on dry land on the outskirts of waterways, rice fields, or gardens. It can live for a year. The fruit is covered with thin petals. The fruit is round. It is a little bit sweet and sour.
The leaves are oval and elongated with a pointed tip. They are green. The stems are not hard and green. The height of the tree is not more than 1 meter.

Physalis Peruviana is cultivated in South America, Australia, and New Zealand. Most of the cipukan that spreads in Indonesia is the Physalis Minima.

There are many ciplukan trees growing wildly around my neighbourhood. Most people do not cultivate them because they have no high economic value. While in some countries, ciplukan may have high economic value, in Indonesia, ciplukan is just a wild plant.

There are some benefits to this plant. The fruit contains nutrients. Vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, alkaloids, polyphenols, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and sugar are among them. The fruit can boost your immunity because of its high vitamin C. It can also prevent cancer because it contains antioxidants.

How to consume ciplukan?

You need to eat the ripened fruit. Raw fruit is not good for your digestive system.

Hindari mengonsumsi buah ciplukan yang masih mentah, karena buah ciplukan yang mentah bisa meningkatkan risiko gangguan pencernaan, seperti kram perut dan diare. Avoid consuming raw ciplukan fruit, because raw ciplukan fruit can increase the risk of digestive disorders, such as stomach cramps and diarrhea

You can eat the fruit directly or you can make juice. Do not forget to wash the fruit before you consume it.
Have you ever eaten ciplukan? What is the name in your country?