Breeding Chickens Progress

It is the 12th day of my chickens. I bought the DOC 12 days ago. I recorded the data. I wrote the expenses so that I could calculate how much was the cost to have chickens that lay eggs.

My four DOCs grow healthily. They are very active and have high apetitte to eat the chicken feed.

The wing feathers have shown 50 %. The color is still white but there are some small feathers that will be brown. All the chikcens are layers. I prefer to breed layers because they will lay eggs everyday.

My daughter @echa likes to play with the little chickens. She likes to catch them but she does not want to clean the coop.

The little chickens still need lighting at night. The light also protects them from mouses. Some mouses try to kill my chikens but the coop is made from strong wires.

I had bad experience when making cage from bamboos. 4 chickens died because some mouses or rats killed them. Using wire coop protects them from predators.

1 month old chickens still need 24 hours feeding. I always put some chicken feed in the coop to make sure that all the chickens are not hungry.

I breed 2 layers. The layers or chickens lay eggs everyday. I thought about adding more chickens in the coop. I bought 4 DOCs. If 4 chickens are save , I will buy 10 DOCs. I have a target that I should have 20 chickens in the coop. If there are 20 chickens, I will not buy eggs anymore.
See you the next progress of chickens. Thanks for visiting my blog.

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