Between Two Bugis Warriors


Wikipedia Arung Palaka

How are you, friends? I haven't written about history in a long time. This time, I will tell the story of two heroes from the Bugis tribe. Even though they may be two different tribes, people outside Sulawesi view them as Bugis.

They are Arung Palaka and Sultan Hasanudin. Both are great warlords who are respected at sea.
A little Arung Palaka is the son of the Sultan of Bone, a kingdom in Sulawesi. The Kingdom of Bone was at war with the kingdom of Gowa under the leadership of Sultan Hasanudin. This has been common in the history of the archipelago. War between kingdoms on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and others is common in history.

The Kingdom of Bone lost, and its people had to become slaves to the kingdom of Gowa. Little Arung Palaka was raised by the royal family of Gowa. After growing up, Arung Palaka became a tough young man and an expert in war at sea.

One day, Arung Palaka saw the people of Bone being enslaved by people from Gowa. As a descendant of Bone, his blood boiled. He got angry and finally put up a fight. Due to military calculations, his troops could not win against the Gowa troops. He and his troops fled to Batavia (Jakarta today).


Badik is the traditional weapon of Bugis people

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In Batavia, he became a respected person because he had a large army. Even the Dutch VOC government, which controlled Batavia, was also reluctant to him. The VOC knew what the problem with Arung Palaka was. Arung Palaka wanted to conquer the kingdom of Gowa. The VOC used the power of Arung Palaka with the promise of helping attack Gowa. The VOC used the power of Arung Palaka to quell resistance to the Dutch in West Sumatra. Arung Palaka and his troops were sent to West Sumatra. The VOC task was well done. West Sumatra finally surrendered to the VOC with the help of Arung Palaka.
The awaited moment arrived, Arung Palaka demanded the promise of the VOC to help attack Gowa. The VOC itself was unable to conquer the power of the Gowa kingdom. Both parties actually benefit from this collaboration.

Finally, Arung Palaka and his troops sailed to Gowa, accompanied by ships of VOC troops. There was a great battle between the two Knights of the Bugis ,Arung Palaka against Sultan Hasanudin. The power of Arung Palaka, which was assisted by the VOC, could not be contained by the troops of Sultan Hasanudin. Finally, Sultan Hasanudin surrendered in 24 June 1969 and the Bongaya agreement was made.
Arung Palaka returned to Bone and became the Sultan of Bone. The Sultanate of Bone grew rapidly and had great influence in the Sulawesi region and its surroundings. Arung Palaka is a liberator for the people of Bone who are oppressed by slavery.

Two formidable knights from Bugis. Sultan Hasanudin and Arung Palaka are figures who defend their people. Arung Palaka cooperated with the VOC not as a colony but as an independent person. Sultan Hasanudin fought the VOC to protect the people of Sulawesi from colonialism. Both are heroes, even though there is something wrong between them. This is how we should treat our predecessors. They are only humans who have faults, but their merit is greater than their mistakes.

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