Food for family cooked by my wife with the chemical free vegetables I plant in the home garden part 118 Thai food : sour and spicy vegetables curry with vegetable omelet and shrimp.

Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family. Me and my family today, we didn't go out. My son's school is closed and my granddaughter's school hasn't started yet. So my wife and I take care of the children at home. In this post I will share thai food. This dish is sour and spicy. And now it can be easily cooked. Because there is instant curry paste for this dish. This dish is a sour and spicy vegetables curry with vegetable omelet and shrimp.

The only vegetable my wife harvested in the home garden for this dish was acacia pennata. This dish also has other vegetable ingredients too. But now I can't grow these myself in the home garden. And in the future, I plan to try growing these vegetables again.

Ingredients for sour and spicy vegetables curry with vegetable omelet and shrimp.

  1. instant curry paste for sour and spicy vegetables curry
  2. shrimp
  3. egg
  4. cabbage
  5. carrot
  6. chinese cabbage
  7. chayote
  8. Instant tamarind juice
  9. sugar
  10. acacia pennata

First cut all the vegetables.

Put a pot on the stove and boil water until it boils. Then put the instant curry paste for sour and spicy vegetables curry in the pot. And stir until mixed with water.

Then put the cut carrot and chayote in the pot. Boil for a while.

Fry the omelet with acacia pennata while waiting.

Then put instant tamarind juice and sugar in the pot.

Put chinese cabbage and cabbage in the pot. And boil for a while.

Put the shrimp in the pot.

While waiting for the shrimp to cook. Cut omelet with acacia pennata.

When all the shrimp and vegetables in the pot are cooked. Put omelet with acacia pennata in the pot. Boil for a while and turn off the stove.

Done, sour and spicy vegetables curry with vegetable omelet and shrimp.

These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗

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