Food for family cooked by my wife with the chemical free vegetables I plant in the home garden part 112 : Our simple lunch.

Hello everyone.😊 How are you today? Each day my main responsibility is to take care of son (autistic child). I haven't planted new vegetables in the home garden and taking care of the longan plants in the plantation for several weeks. My wife as well. Besides taking care of her son, she had to do housework and food. And we are quite tired of taking care of our son right now too. My son is an autistic child who is very difficult to care for right now. So the food my wife cooked now was simple as well. She harvests a few vegetables in the home garden to cook with almost every day. Normally my wife cooks rice, but this time she cooks sticky rice. This time, she cooked sticky rice and ate it with spicy stir-fried sardines in tomato sauce, crispy fried chicken skin and fresh cucumber and fresh green brinjal. Take a look at the atmosphere of picking vegetables in the home garden first.

small tomato



spring onion

green brinjal


Start by cooking sticky rice and pandan first.

Then make crispy fried chicken skin. Chop the chicken skin into small pieces. Put the chicken skin on a plate and mix it with crispy flour and fry the chicken skin in a pan until cooked.

Finally my wife cooked the spicy stir-fried sardines in tomato sauce.


  1. sardines in tomato sauce
  2. small tomato
  3. coriander
  4. spring onion
  5. garlic
  6. shallots
  7. dried chilli
  8. shrimp paste
  9. oil
  10. pork flavour seasoning powder

First crush the garlic, shallots, and dried chilies in a mortar. Then crush the shrimp paste with all the ingredients in a mortar to make the curry paste.

Put a pan on the stove and heat the oil. Then add the curry paste to the pan, stir-fry until cooked and fragrant.

Then add small tomatoes to the pan and stir-fry them with the curry paste.

Then put the sardines in tomato sauce to the pan. And stir-fry for a lightly. Season with pork flavour seasoning powder.

Put the coriander and spring onions in the pan and stir them a lightly. Turn off the stove.

Done, spicy stir-fried sardines in tomato sauce.

All the simple lunches my wife cooked.

These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗

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