Food for family, cooked by my wife part 31, northern thai green chilli dip (nam prik num) with blanched vegetables from various vegetables I grow, fried chicken and fried fish.

Hello everyone. Today, I will share another local food in the north of Thailand. This dish is northern thai green chilli dip. Or thai people call this menu nam prik num.
Northern thai green chilli dip, the main ingredient is made from chili spur pepper. This type of chili spur pepper is a pepper that looks like a green pepper but is smaller.

Ingredients for northern thai green chilli dip.

  1. shallots
  2. garlic
  3. salt
  4. green chili spur pepper
  5. coriander

How to make for northern thai green chilli dip.

Put shallots, garlic, green chili, spur pepper to the pan and roast over low heat.

Pull off the skins of green chili spur pepper, shallots and garlic.

Put all ingredients in a mortar and pound thoroughly together and add salt. Then use a spoon to stir well and scoop into a small bowl. Put coriander on chilli dip.

Done for northern thai green chilli dip (nam prik num).

Absolutely northern thai green chilli dip is a must eat with various vegetables. So today my wife pick up organic vegetables that I planted in the longan orchard to eat with northern thai green chilli dip. My wife pick up hyacinth bean and bitter gourd in the longan orchard and she pick up gurmar in the garden area the house.

Then she blanched all the vegetables to eat with northern thai green chilli dip.

In addition, my wife also fried chicken skin and fried fish to eat with northern thai green chilli dip and blanched vegetables too.

These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to watch and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗

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