Having problems with people taking advantage of our services

One of the major problems that I think any charitable organization faces is that there are always going to be people that will report major cases to us in the hopes that we will take care of it for them but then they never make any attempt to support our organization in any sort of financial or volunteering capacity. Lately this has been happening a lot and it is getting very frustrating.

We operate entirely on charitable donations of time and money and we really don't like to be faced with needing to turn down cases for dogs and cats that desperately need our help but soon, once again, we are going to be in a situation where we are going to have to start turning cases down, which breaks our hearts because we truly want to help all the animals in need in our community.

It is a simple case of feasibility. If we have no money, and we are dangerously close to that situation again, we simply cannot help the animals in need. While we do have partners that will help us at little to no cost, medicine and veterinarian services are not cost-free and there are some people out there that are using us as a method of free medical care for their own pets and never giving anything back.


We definitely want to help all the dogs and cats in the area no matter where they are from but it gets to be difficult when we are faced with a choice of whether or not we can provide food for the dogs that we already have under our care, or take on another case of a dog or cat that this is injured or sick. This was a real problem during Covid when our donations were almost completely eliminated but lately things have gotten out of hand as far as people reporting problems with the dogs that they keep on their own but simply don't want to pay for the medical care themselves.


A recent case was brought to us with a dog that had been clipped by a motorbike or car and we of course, did what we could in order to help. We later found out that the dog was a resident of the person's property and had been for many years. These people were not poor and actually had several vehicles and a rather expansive property. They could have easily paid for the care themselves but simply took advantage of our generosity and were extremely dishonest about the situation.

We only found out about this after the fact and were quite upset with them upon finding out this information.

I think that it is truly terrible when someone does something like this because we operate on a shoestring budget and do not have the resources to help every animal in need especially when the person or family in question has more than enough money to take care of the problem themselves. It would be similar to someone lining up for free food that is intended for homeless people even though they have a kitchen filled with food.


I really do not like the fact that we now feel as though we have to vet any report that comes to us and assess whether or not the person reporting the injury is actually just trying to get something for free that they can easily pay for themselves and it just makes our job more difficult. Almost everyone that works with us does so for no salary at all, so it really hurts us when we later find out that the person who reported it is gainfully employed and could have easily not just paid for the service themselves, but could also make some sort of contribution to our organization to help other dogs.

It is unfortunate that there are unscrupulous people like this in the world and for the first time in a while I have started to lose faith in the humanity of the people of this area. When confronted about this situation and presented with a bill to pay for the fees, the owner of the dog became confrontational and aggressive and we just decided to let it go rather than continue to argue with him. He has been blacklisted from our organization and I certainly hope that he treats the dog better than he does the people that went out of their way to help him when the situation was presented to us.

This family did not need our help. They could easily have paid for this themselves but took advantage of a charitable organization. By doing so he has inadvertently taken care away from another animal that we want to help but will not be able to due to lack of funds. It would be nice if he would have a change of heart and decide to repay what he owes us and maybe make some general changes to his own outlook on life and become a better person. This sort of deception is quite rare in a Buddhist country where the belief in Karma is so prevalent, so it came as a big surprise to find out that we had been duped.

Shame on you sir. I wish your dog the best of luck in life but I do not know how it is possible to feel good about yourself when you know that by doing what you did is almost certainly going to result in us not being able to look after another animal that needs the help but we cannot afford to do it because of you.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.



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