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Steung Kach's Youngest Bicycle Mechanic 👩‍🔧 Podcast Forts 🏰 & Cambodian Lawnmowing 🥷


Monkey-B didn't believe I could pop a wheelie, so I showed her how it's done and reminded her to keep tires inflated to prevent rim damage.

Pre-Wheelie Podcast Fort 🏰

     Rewind a bit before the thumbnail, and today's first moment of Hive-worthy content was Monkey-B's podcast listening fort. She likes to create a world for herself and really goes deep into her mind when listening to podcasts, and I think this activity is so much healthier than watching a screen. Don't get me wrong, this little one would never turn down an opportunity to watch some cartoons, but I try and restrict this stuff to 30 minutes or less a day, but I am very generous with screen time for audiobooks and podcasts.

Grass Is The Enemy 🥷

     After marveling at Monkey's fort, I made some fried okra and tomato curry for the family, did some ASEAN Hive work, and then went outside to mow the yard with my state of the art human arm. A recent snake encounter inside our house let me know it was time to knock back the grass on our property and make slithery creatures a little more unwelcome. Plus, this place is pretty biodiverse and the antivenom scene here is less than desirable, so it's even more hopeful to get antivenom for rare and endangered species.

     Mowing on the cliffside is extremely scary due the snake situation, the steepness of the slope combined with a sharp blade, the slick clay underneath, and worst of all is the trimmed bamboo that sticks out of the ground ready to skewer me like a human shish-kebab should I go skiing down the slope atop a mat of dried dead grass.

Bicycle Maintenance 101 👩‍🔧

     After seeing I was clearly exhausted, Monkey-B asked me to pop a wheelie on her little bike, so I showed her how it's done, and in the process realized she hasn't been keeping her tires inflated. A short lesson about rim damage and rolling resistance, and she was eager to pump her tires up.

Teenager Tries To Ruin Photo 💯 Only Makes It Better

     I found the missus and Srey-Yuu chilling on the boulder together, and they looked so cute together, I wanted to snap a pic, but the teenager decided to get goofy and try to ruin the photo, but little does she know I love these shots even more, so she better she's not embarrassed to share this side of herself with Hive.

More Lawnmowing & A Surprise For The Girls 🎁

     After popping plenty of wheelies, it was time to cut some more grass until reaching exhaustion. Monkey-B watched from above, likely wishing the two of us were swimming instead.

     This was easily the best shot of the day, Monkey-B's lust for life and joy are infectious, and I live vicariously through her and the way she takes in the world around her.

     I wish I had taken some pictures of the truck that passed by on the highway, it was full of random goods for the home. These mobile sellers are really common in Cambodia, and you can kit out a home without ever leaving your porch here if you wanted to. We have been waiting for some rattan furniture to pass by for months, and finally today the truck had a few pieces. A little over $5 each, we purchased 3 of them, 1 for the cabin and two for the kids' room. They finally have some furniture that is not also luggage, and they are keen to organize each of their "whatever these things are called, my English has gone downhill consistently year after year."


Monkey B