RE: First Post From 'Merica 🦅 Kentuckiana 🌪️ Where The Bible Belt, Rust Belt, & Tornado Alley Collide

Sorry I haven't much time to engage lately, been meaning to catch up on your posts for what seems like a month now. You can see why though, things are hectic, internet is scarce, etc. There are food forests, permaculture projects, etc., in this area, but most people choose Missouri or Kentucky/Tennessee to do things like this the quality of life is better in those places, land still cheap, and the topography more interesting.

The problem here is that 98% of the land is GMO corn coated in Monsanto products. You couldn't get enough distance away from these fields to avoid cross-contamination, another reason to choose a place with a bit of mountains to attempt organic forms of agriculture.

I think if I had to live in the USA forever, I'd go live in a Cambodia immigrant community somewhere and engage in various forms of unlicensed business that this community embraces. Indiana could use some minds like you, but I'd honestly choose Mexico every time if I were in your shoes.

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