Parent and child relationship


(The content of this post is to share what I understand from what my parents raised me to do. I'm not a parent, so I apologize for any inconvenience.)

Photo Source via free Pixabay
Photo Credit to thevirtualdenise

We cannot live alone in this world. In ASEAN culture, family, Relatives live in relative harmony. Parents think of their children as children until they get married.

They take care of their children at a glance. They are ready to meet the needs of their children. However, as is customary in ASEAN, everything is strict.

Children love and respect their parents. They live like cats in front of their parents and do whatever they want in secret. Children often lie because they are afraid of their parents.

They live in the shadow of their parents and lack self-confidence. Due to lack of self-confidence, everything is no longer wild. They are not getting as much success as they should. And ASEAN is content with everything. When something happens, you blame luck.

Parents also consider children who listen to them to be intelligent children. And I think ASEAN is more gender-segregated. Parents themselves often discriminate against their children. They are happy when a boy is born and unhappy when a girl is born.
And ASEAN parents do not accept the trend. They are forcing everything into the shape they want it to be. What you want your child to be and what you want to do is what I want you to be and what you do for me. "My son, you must be a doctor. My daughter, you must be an engineer.”

ASEAN children also lose the desire to be and have to dance with their parents. So, the workplace is not happy anymore. If so, only our children will suffer.

ASEAN parents love their children very much and have high ambitions for them. With such ambitious goals and pressure, children can become overwhelmed. There is no happiness for them.

How will they raise their children?
Today I will tell you what ASEAN parents should know. If your parents are putting too much pressure on you, show me this post ..............

  1. Give love, do not pressure

Every parent loves their child. Sometimes parents are reluctant to show their children that they love them. Then she insists on being what she wants to be, rather than what she wants to be. This is not a good thing. As a parent, you need to know what you are more than what you want to be. All you need to do is give them an outlet and the support they need to keep going. Then the relationship between the child and the parent will be good.

  1. Do not do top-down relationships

Yes, some ASEAN parents are culturally favorable. Doing so can turn children into fear and hatred. I don't think any parent wants their child to hate. So do not do top-down relationships.

  1. Listen to your children

Children often have emotions. They also have been subjected to bullying and harassment. Dissatisfaction. There may be physical abuse. Parents, take time to listen to your children. Give them the guidance they need. If it is not possible for them to do so, let the parents do it.

  1. Have a friendly relationship

Parents should be the best friends of their children. Parents need to make this happen. Give them time. Children need to keep in mind that their parents are good friends.

  1. Do not expect anything in return

Raising a child is like a gardener growing his own flowers. Her flowers are expected to come alive and well. I do not need anything back. So, expect as much as you can, expect nothing in return from your child.

Let this be the end of the story for today. My writing will be controversial for some. I want to write about the better relationship between children and parents and the betterment of the family. Therefore, I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may have caused to ASEAN Community.


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