Photography of cats that live wild in the forest

good afternoon hive friends all happy to meet again with joelibra in this beloved community. on this occasion I will share some pictures about the life of stray cats

Cats are certainly no stranger to all of us because cats are one type of living creature that usually lives together with humans in a house or in a cat shop. They are included in the group of pets that are very loved by humans because they have various benefits such as catching mice and guard the house.

sometimes these cats live carelessly or live wildly by wandering from one place to another and eating anything that can be eaten to support themselves, here they are classified as wild cats, which means that no one takes care of them or takes care of them, we see a lot in markets or on the streets and also in offices we meet cats that are not always dirty and dirty and these cats are not as healthy as other cats that live or are kept in a family or house.

a few days ago I went to a garden which is not far from where I live, before I arrived at the garden on a trip I saw on the road there was a cat that was walking and wandering from forest to forest or from rice field to rice field in search of food Usually this cat's food is rats, snakes and fish caught in the area. then I took a picture of the wild cat using a Samsung brand cellphone camera and I edited it using the lightroom application so that the image looked clearer and better.

The cat that I have in this photo is a male cat and is mottled between black and white and the body of this cat is a bit thin, maybe he lacks food or doesn't get enough sleep and usually this cat that becomes a wild cat is a male cat and I rarely meet if wild cats are female cats and their lives in the forest. the presence of wild cats roaming from rice fields to rice fields is very useful or lucky for rice farmers because there are no rats that disturb the farmers' rice.

that's all I can write on this occasion I hope my writing is useful for all of us and thank you for the support from friends

In the following I will share some pictures of wild cats that live in the forest or live in the rice fields, I hope that the pictures I share can please all my friends.

see you on my next post.
send regards for success

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