Cleaning a Beach with Trash Heros (Da Nang, Vietnam)

Cleaning a Beach with Trash Heros (Da Nang, Vietnam)

Hello Freinds,

Trash Heros is an organization that works to clean up beaches that have been polluted with trash. They work with volunteers to clean up the beaches and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches clean. Trash Heros has made a good impact on the beaches in this area and have helped to keep them clean for everyone to enjoy.

I had the opportunity to go clean a beach with Trash Hero. It was a great experience. I saw firsthand the amount of trash that washes up on shore. I also got to meet some of the volunteers who dedicated their time to cleaning up the beaches. It was a great experience, and I would recommend it to anyone.

The event dedicated an hour to clean a section of the beach. It was a great experience, and I think we were able to remove a lot of trash. I feel that it is crucial to keep our beaches clean and hope that others will also dedicate some time to cleaning up their local beaches.

After the event, we all went for dinner together at a vegetarian restaurant. The food was excellent, and the company was even better. It was an excellent way to end a successful event, and we all had a great time.

Below you will find some photos from the beach clean-up and witty commentary about what we did.

If you want to get involved, this is the link to the local Trash Heros Facebook page here in Da Nang.

Trash Heros Danang Facebook :

This was the location of the beach we set to clean.


This is one of the founders of the Danang Chapter, Linh. Linh also has a Hive account!! WOOT!


It was nice seeing everyone cleaning up the beach. It's always a pleasant sight to see people working together to care for our environment. It's a great way to spend a day, and it's something everyone can do to help make a difference.


Teamwork is always important, but it was especially key in making this event fun. Everyone worked together to make sure that everything ran smoothly and that everyone had a good time. It was a great team effort, and it really showed in the end result.


While cleaning the beach, I did find some interesting trash! I found an old, rusty can of soup, a plastic water bottle that was half-full of sand, This leopard print fabric, and candy wrapper. It was interesting to see what kind of trash people leave behind on the beach.


Also found this sea horse toothbrush; I wonder if it was used by littering mermaids...


Linh worked hard at picking up the beach. We got to talk a little at the event; she told me the story of how she was inspired to start this program with another friend.


Feeling the wind blowing off the ocean was also a nice feeling. I was happy that the sky was a little overcast at the time, making for a relaxing time... just wish my lower back also thought that. lol


As we picked up the trash, the bags got more filled.


While it was not intentional, the Vietnmease flag was waving in the wind, in some ways, this was insperational to keep going.


I also found this rare Nikie slipper in the sand. Perhaps it was from a wealthy traveling mercant, or a unlucky beach gower who lost it while walking in the surff with a friend... who knows... now the crabs were using it as a lawn ornment, that was until I came along and put it into my trash bag! Sorry crabs, go find a shell to use next time!


This is looking back at the stretch we picked up over the hour. We started down by that bigger building.


Here we have assembled the many bags of trash from the beach. I think it was a total of 15 bags at an average of 18 kg. Or, I think that is what I over heard. Ether way, Sucess!


Here is the crew, happy that they have mastered the mess!


We put the bags across the street to be picked up the following day and I hope, get disposed of in a healthy manner.


After, everyone went to this local Veggertian resurant.


Inside, they had a great collection of hand made cups. I for one thought it was quite insperational.


One more team photo, then some dinner and I had to leave.


It is often said that we should lead by example in life. This is especially true when it comes to doing good. If we want others to do good, we need to show them that it is possible by doing it ourselves. This doesn't mean that we need to be perfect, but it does mean that we should try our best to do good. When we lead by example, we give others the opportunity to see that it is possible to do good, even when it isn't easy. We also show them that it is worth the effort to try to do good.

Thanks for reading and I hope you too find time to get out and help your community no matte where in the world that may be. :)


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