Goats at night make you relax and enjoy || ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY

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Peace be upon us all, may we always be in the protection of the almighty God. on this occasion I will share a photography of mine with all my friends about how the goats are and the atmosphere of the cage that I made to you

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  • if we are ready to raise livestock then we must also be ready to provide forage feed or concentrate feed. there are so many people whose livestock have errors in the form of the rules of the cage or feed so that it is chaotic or unsuccessful in raising livestock. when everything is arranged properly, the meal will work and the results are very satisfying.

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the actual condition of the goats must be neat and orderly with the rules that goats and goats must look comfortable and safe in every condition and situation that exists. Don't forget the rules of concentrate feed and green feed must be regular with the hours we have set

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Before we raise livestock, we must provide green feed, namely grass with stems so that it is not difficult to find animal feed or feed adequacy of green feed every day because immediately our livestock do not have enough feed, so the cattle are not full at night or not fat in the long run. What we set, for example, our target is 5 months, we must be able to sell it to the market and replace it with something else

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That's all I can say tonight where there are mistakes and awkwardness in the words or taste that I share, please forgive me because there is much more to learn in the procedure for writing words or pictures


Greetings from @imam-samudra
thank you and wassalam....

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung A20s
LocationAceh indonesia




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