Small Fungus That Grows On Dead Wood


Greetings to all of us who have been in this beloved community today come back with me to entertain you all about some of my photography to you and the object that I share with you today is a small mushroom that I found in the Aceh forest and it grows on the dead wood there of course really caught my attention a few days ago and I purposely went to the forest near my house to look for some photography objects, one of which I found this mushroom that grows very beautifully there.

It's always fun to talk about mushrooms because mushrooms are plants that have various types that usually grow in forests and of course some of those types we have to be very careful if we want to eat some mushrooms because sometimes these mushrooms are very toxic and can cause harm to the body. we are very fatal in pain and poisoning. That's why we must be very wise in choosing mushrooms. If we want to consume them. As for the mushrooms that I share with you today, it is one type of mushroom that cannot be eaten and this mushroom I don't really know whether this mushroom is poisonous or not but for health it should not be eaten I have never eaten this type of mushroom since I was a child because there are other types of mushrooms that can be consumed and they taste quite good.

When I saw this mushroom growing thriving there Of course I really wanted to take some pictures of it using my phone camera for the phone I used when shooting this mushroom is the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and because it's a small mushroom type so I added a macro lens on my smartphone so that it can be seen clearly and well and stands out on certain sides while editing the image I use Adobe lightroom some of the results of these photos Let's see together below I hope you are entertained and like it.

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

~ ©2022 Original Photo Portrait By : @idayrus ~

Camera UsedHandphone
ModelSamsung S20 Ultra
Wearing LensesMacro Apexel
LocationAceh Forest
Software EditingAdobe Lightroom

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @idayrus

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