When the Rain Comes

When the rain comes, you’ll recognize who the good people are!

Dear Friends,

Today is another busy day but…. I don't know what second adjective to describe my day. Yet, I’m grateful that even if it’s tough to find a solution, I solved the problem. There are just some planned things that will never happen but you need to accept that problems are a part of maturity. Facing problems could make you stronger than you know. It could make you recognize more about yourself. You’d turn out to be a superwoman/superman! It could also hint at the true color of the people. You’ll find out who will stay at you at your worst; who is willing to help without bitter words thrown against you.
I am thankful to God that the money I kept for my baby in her piggy bank had washed my anxiety away. I immediately went to the grocery store to buy her basic needs such as diapers, food, formula milk, and water. The total of the coins from the piggy bank is 1,100 pesos or 17.68$. It's not enough, but I tried to fit the prices that wouldn't exceed the amount of money in my hands. It was solved, but what I bought was only consumable for one week. It breaks my heart to finally spend it because I made a promise to open it after two years, but they say that promises are meant to be broken, right?
As I counted these coins, I was confused about where to exchange them for paper bills. The bank is far away from my place and no one can ride a car. Immediately, I asked my friend if she could exchange it with paper. She said that she couldn't promise but was only asking for the half amount of the coins. Suddenly, my sister-in-law came to my room asking for an exchange of her blue paper bill. She said that her husband (who is my big brother ) had arrived. With my Kuya (big bro), we can go to the faraway pharmacies and groceries because he too can drive. After we exchanged, we rode in a car with my baby. It rained a little bit so she kept singing,
“Rain, Rain Go Away
Come again another day
Little Pointy wants to play
Rain, Rain go away.”
Being a mom is a full-time job and you can't focus on other things. You won't only mind about your baby's activities and well-being, but also her financial needs, so you need to move and do anything even if your body tells you to relax. I'm not complaining, but to be a parent is a great responsibility and it is forever. I love to be a parent, I love to be a full-time mom and most of all, I love my child. However, since I became a parent, I have known who are the real people who treat us nicely in times of nothingness.
How about you? When was your encounter with other people that treated you badly when it rained? Did it hurt you? Remember, it's okay to be hurt; it's okay to be undervalued; it's okay to cry to express your feelings. IT’S ALL OKAY because what matters most is you're thriving. What matters most is you know your worth. What matters most is you're better enough than them. What matters most is you know that struggling is temporary, and that sooner or later, sunshine comes after the rain. Do not expect good things from your toxic environment because foolish people will never accept mistakes and will never see their bad reflections in the mirror.
Thank you amazing friends @olivia08, @diosarich and @antonette.Thank you @justinparke for your kindness and delegation. Thank you @asean.hive for your unfading support. Love love all the way!

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