Life Update on Saturday: Almost Losing a Phone

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was a hot afternoon as usual since the summer began in March. How I wish there’s a snow in our country so we can atleast experience winter, then, we can celebrate a white Christmas. But it’s impossible unless there’s a rare and most terrifying climate change.

Around noon today, I went to our neighbor with a Sari-Sari to buy a soap. Even if I walked with an umbrella, I felt the excessive heat of the sun. The wind above the car windshield seemed to melt. My back was as wet as I swam at the pool. It was uncomfy to bring my baby who I left crying because the weather felt like hell. Maybe if I did that, she’ll be more irritable and fussy in the middle of the street.

I slowly drank a cold apple juice at the road on my way back home. I was relieved a little as I rushed to walk back to the house. Seems like it’s the only me who walked at the road because the residents closed their doors and windows to turn on their ACs.

My dog Tam waited at the gate. He also struggled the bad climate as he hasn’t groomed yet. When I stepped at the gate, I gave him water as well as my other dogs Fluffy and Caramel.

At 5pm, I went to our neighboring place we named Rosewood. I pictured the sign because I remember that there was a contest of @asean.hive I wasn’t able to join because I didn’t have a chance to go out. The sign means the road is under construction. I’m wondering why the DPWH (Department of Public Works and Highways) like to repair a good road, but ignores the crooked road with many accidents reported. When we went to the mountain, I was scared of the narrow pathways they don’t have time to repair. And the worst case, they consume constructing for several months and years like they don’t do their job. It’s the problem of the people because they voted a politician by money. Vote buying during election here is rampant. If you don’t have money, don’t expect to win. They pay 26$ per person just to get the vote. After the election, the malls are extremely crowded because all people have the money they gave.

These are the houses of our neighbors. Inside that place, our home is in the middle. The houses look nice but it has a low ceiling as the rule of the subdivision, that’s why we always wish to rain because the house is hotter with low ceiling. We can renovate it, but we need a building permit and more paperworks.

No shoes and helmet while driving are violations in our area. A passenger should also wear a helmet, but in the picture, the driver doesn’t have shoes. Most reported accidents here are the motorcycles involved, maybe because some of them cannot follow a simple order.

When I arrived at the pharmacy, I bought my baby’s needs such as diaper, cereal, wipes, shampoo and soap, leniment oil, milk, vitamins and I also included my simple need that is a coffee. Drinking a coffee is my addiction. I’m trying to replace it by vegetable and fruit juices, but I’m bored to it. I can’t resist its tempting aroma and creaminess that feels heaven to my tongue. My wish for these days is to stop this addiction because I palpitate sometimes, but how? I can’t control myself. My appetite is controlling me.

When I left at the pharmacy, I found out that there was no phone in my pouch. I was nervous because all of my passwords are saved there, as well as my important pictures. So, I went to the pharmacy to ask if they saw a phone, but they didn’t found it. I forgot where did I put it. What bothered me was, if there was a customer that got interested to get that, then I cannot recover it forever. The pharmacists did their best to help me. They called my number, but no one answered, it just rang. They asked me where was the last place I went‘coz possibly, my phone was there. I lost hope that we could see it, ‘till one of the pharmacists saw it just in front of the cashier’s computer. Atlast, we found it and I’m lucky that no customer picked it up. When they called, it didn’t rang because it marked as “don’t disturb.” If someone picked it up, I could never recover that phone.

How about you? When was the last time that you carelessly lost an important thing to you?

Thank you amazing friends @olivia08, @diosarich and @antonette.Thank you @justinparke for your kindness and delegation. Thank you @asean.hive for your unfading support. Love love all the way!

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