MY GOALS FOR 2022 : Things I Want To Change And Achieve


Photo by zero take on Unsplash

I know that 2022 has already started, and this might be quite late, but here are some changes that I would want to see done for myself and the goals I want to reach before this year ends.

I’ve never really made a new year’s resolution before, and this might be the first one I made.

So here we go.


The first change I want to see for myself is becoming more confident with myself and believing in my abilities.

I have been the person who doesn't believe in my capabilities in anything, whether in academics or writing. I wish to change my attitude and be more proud of myself for this new year.

I believe in what I can do well, and I know that in my heart.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The second thing I want to change is to stop pleasing people all the time.

I’ve been a people-pleaser all my life because I tend to make decisions that make others happy regardless of my feelings.

I now know that I should prioritize myself and put my happiness first above everyone else’s.

In that way, I will be happier with my own life and be able to help others better.

The third thing I want to change is to stop being too nice to everyone.

I’ve been known to be “manhid,” or a person that has trouble interpreting another person’s mood or situation.

I’ve been told by others who (allegedly) had a crush on me in the past that I was “manhid” because I never noticed it despite all the signs. Where am I going with this?

Well, I don’t seem to know where boundaries are when I am being too nice that it’s flirty or when I’m just being genuinely nice.

I treat others like how I want to be treated, regardless of gender, which leads to my girlfriend being mad about it. Not because I am friendly, but because it might come off flirty when that wasn’t my intention at all.



Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash

My first goal for 2022 is to become a successful Hive blogger.

I’ve read tons of articles about Hive bloggers buying phones and the things they love just after three or four months of writing, so I know I am at the best place to achieve my dreams; all I need is to stay consistent at it.

I want to make a decent earning from my Hive blogs and make it my part-time job while I am still studying.

My second goal is to reach six-figure savings and investments.

I’ve never held or had access to money of six figures that was my own, so that would be my second goal for the year 2022.

I am a very frugal person, and I don’t buy many things for myself; that’s why every time I earn money, I invest it all. Whether it may be in crypto or stocks. I’m even planning to open up an MP2 account, but I still have no reliable income stream.

But once I become a successful blogger, things will snowball from there.

The last goal for myself in the year 2022 would be to start going back to the things I previously loved.


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In the past, I loved writing poems watching k-dramas and documentaries, but the past year, I never really got the chance to do those.

I know hustling is a must if I want to achieve financial freedom, but our mental healths are way more important than money, and it is crucial to set aside time for ourselves and enjoy the things we love doing.

Hopefully, when 2022 ends, I get to achieve all of these things. When 2023 starts, I will return to this article and check the things I’ve achieved and what I didn’t.

How about you? What are your goals this year?

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