DOING THE THINGS I LOVE : Watching a Documentary and Playing Games


The past year, I've focused on hustling and trying to earn money while still studying, and while it was a lovely feeling to make money on my own, I realized that it was not healthy for my mental health.

I often felt burned out and very stressed all the time, leaving me no time to relax and do the things that I love.

This year, I promised to go back to doing the things I love, and I started this out by watching a documentary, a thing that I loved doing in the past.



Just recently, I watched a documentary titled "AlphaGo," it's a documentary that highlights how much we have come to our development in AI and how it has managed to defy all odds.

It showed just how complex the game of Go can be. It's basically a game where you try to capture as much territory as you can, and it has been dubbed the most complex game in the world because of how many variations it can have.


Photo by Elena Popova on Unsplash

The nuber of variations the game of Go can have exceeds the number of atoms present in the universe, crazy, right?

Humans were expected to develop a program that could beat the best Go player in the world in 10 years' time, but Google's Deepmind beat all their predictions.

Not only were they 10 years ahead, but they were also able to beat the best Go player at that time.

But I think what's important to take away from the game was that Lee Sedol, the best Go player at the time, was able to beat the program once, proving to us that humans are still capable of thinking the unthinkable.

Although AlphaGo was able to beat Lee four times in the five games they played, I think that it's still a victory for us humans as we are able to create a program so complex, so intricate that it could solve problems, and find the best strategy to beat a game that has variations of 3^361.


Mobile Legends

My girlfriend and I also played tons of games in the MOBA game Mobile Legends : Bang Bang, I find it really calming to play games with my girlfriend and try our best to win every single time.

Don't get me wrong though, I still feel stressed when my teammates act like a bunch of losers who give up very early in the game when they get ganked all the time.

Seeing myself do the things I love is truly amazing, I find myself to be calmer now, and generally happier.

Using my time to relax, watch documentaries, and play games have been very helpful to my mental health. I find it easier to do my tasks and I feel more optimistic about my future.

So to everyone who has been feeling a bit down, or unmotivated, try to unplug from everything you are doing now.

Set aside time to do the things you enjoy doing and it for sure will help you become more productive and help you feel more motivated than ever.

What about you? what are the things that you love doing?

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