A Long-Awaited Date: A New Year's Date With My Girlfriend


Kuya O's Kitchenette

Before the New Year, my girlfriend and I met and ate at Kuya O's Kitchenette. This was a very long-awaited date as my girlfriend and I hadn't seen each other for a while.

We have planned to eat here for quite a long time now, but we haven't had the chance yet as the prices here are on the higher side (at least for us). But now that I have a little money saved, we could finally try this new food place in our area!



The first impression is that their place is neatly organized. It's such a cozy place and has tons of decorations for people to pose and take a picture in.

They have a range of tables for one person and family-sized tables. They also have these bar chairs for people who like eating in tall chairs; we opted for the regular tables.

They also have these cool-looking lights that hang from a rope; it was a first for me and was a telltale sign that this place was quite pricey.



There were no other customers by the time we arrived, so we took the opportunity to take tons of pictures while we waited for our food.

I was super impressed with how clean the place is and how neatly organized everything is. It's really a great place to eat at and possibly do school works at as they have tons of charging ports at the side.



This is their menu. They have a wide range of food, from snacks, salads, solo meals, and even short orders.

My girlfriend and I opted for the Sizzling Beef, which cost 209 Pesos or 4.09 USD. My girlfriend also wanted a milk tea, but unfortunately, there were not a lot of flavors to choose from.

I also wanted to order Pork Sisig, but I figured that I would not be able to finish it all, so that was all that we ordered.


While waiting for our order, we were served ice-cold water in a bottle. It's great that they used mineral water, as most food places here use tap water which I'm not a fan of.

I already got sick from drinking water from the tap in the past, and I do not want to relive that nightmare again.



We went back to our pictorial session and took even more photos while waiting for our food.



By this time, the owner saw us taking turns taking pictures of each other, and he was nice enough to offer to take a picture of us together.

I can say that from his picture-taking skills, he has done this quite a lot now. He captured awesome pictures of my girlfriend and me!


The food finally arrived! The smell was so good, and the first thing we noticed was how much beef there was.

I love eating from a sizzling hot plate, and so this was heaven for me. The beef was quite tough, but it was seasoned beautifully. There was also a significant amount of corn which helped contrast the chewiness of the meat.

I'm not sure as I am not too familiar with vegetables, but I think this was asparagus (I'm sorry if I got it wrong hahaha). Regardless, I still ate it as my girlfriend forced me to because I am a person that gets easily sick all the time.

I think the real star was the sauce. Their sweet-house sauce really elevated the dish. I could not get enough of it. I could eat the remaining rice with the sauce itself!

Overall, it was a great experience. The food was amazing, the staff and even the owner were super friendly and very welcoming. Plus, the place was definitely a great spot to return to; I might consider this as an excellent suggestion for a place when my family and I would go out to eat.


Kuya O's Kitchenette is located in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur.

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