Enjoy the atmosphere of tourism be side the River

Happy greetings,
Recreation areas can be anywhere,one of which is to create a new atmosphere, after being busy with work for a long time. The location this tourist spot is in the Pemalang area of Central Java, about 30 kilometers from the center of Pemalang.


The Village of Wangkelang,the subdistrict of Moga, this name is called Cafe Pikaso, this name is called Pikaso,an exension of the edge of Comal river.


This place is so beautiful and comfortable to sit and relax, the place was originally unkempt and there was a local Resident with ide as and protecting the environment.


So this place was built by adapting to the environment like buildings made of wood and some seats facing the river. This place is under an iron bridge.


Visitor can take advantage of the natural situation with beautiful views, visitor are usually families,or with children,the place is in the mountains with s fairly heavy current.


This place is open from 10.am to 10.pm, visitor can enjoy the atmosphere of the river with the sound of the water changing the atmosphere to be comfortable.


Many menus are provided by the owner of this place such as drinks from coffe row material,sugar lotte,cappuccino, eslresso,snack such as french fries,chicken nuget and chicken.


Where this cafe takes and vantage of the space on the banks of the river,with a fairly large rock,the river is used by visitors to soak for children to swim happily.


Even the bridge is used for jumping into the river, visitors to this place are free of charge only if you order food you have to pay.


This is one of the tourist destination in the Pemalang area,and there are many other tourist attractions, ranging from mountain tours ,forest,rafting,to the beaches. Thank you.

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