Getting to Know the Culture of Aceh Acceptance of Dara Baro (Tueng Dara Baro)

Today I went to my family's party which is not far from home, a few days ago I had gone to the party before the day to do the work that was prepared for the party day later.

I am an Indonesian citizen who has many ethnic groups, one of which is the Acehnese tribe, which has a variety of customs and has many cultural blends such as Chinese, Arab, European and Indian culture.

Custom is one of the rules of life that must be carried out and implemented in society and must be upheld and obeyed by all people so that these customs do not disappear by themselves with the times.

In the ceremony of inaugurating the bride and groom, there must be a traditional ceremony which is held in a particular tribe with various customs.
I will explain a little about the Acehnese customs in the ceremony of accepting the newlyweds. The bride is called Dara Baro while the groom is called Linto Baro in my place, this is the custom when we arrive at Dara Baro or Linto Baro, there is an event Seumapa which is usually known as the welcome of Dara Baro. Arriving at the Linto Baro place, there is also a welcoming rhyme event which is usually held at the Linto Baro or Dara Baro places.

Hand fruit or Bungong Jaroe brought by a group of virgin baro wrapped in yellow cloth wrapped in such a way as Dalong which is closed with Sangee or a serving hood and the contents inside are Acehnese traditional cakes in the form of Doi-doi , Meseukat, Halua, Teukarah and various other traditional Aceh cakes. The traditional event of responding to rhymes or seumapa is usually accompanied by the parents of the bride and groom or the bride's relatives from the linto baro and virgin baro parties.

This new blood pouring ceremony is carried out after 7 days of the wedding or after a few days of holding the intat lintoe event and a few days later the traditional tueng dara baro (pick-up/receiving of the bride) ceremony is held which is equipped with two Acehnese traditional umbrellas and Batee Ranup between the bride and groom the man and woman who later at the reception will exchange between the bride's umbrella and the groom's umbrella.

After the pick-up and/or reception of Dara Baro is over, the bride and groom are directed to the aisle provided in the house, along with several of the bride's relatives accompanying them. In front of the aisle, various food dishes and other decorative cakes have been prepared in various traditional forms of Aceh and the group from Dara Baro was directed to taste the dishes prepared by the linto baro family in the space provided.

This wedding reception event is the last tradition carried out by the groom after delivering Linto and now picking up Dara Baro where later there will be a Peusijuek event introducing the groom's family (Teumeutuep) and reading prayers for the bride and groom so that the life they live will be sakinah mawadah warahmah and happy till the end.

So many Acehnese customs have been carried out in the Acehnese tribe, so we as citizens of Aceh should maintain and develop existing customs and must also comply with all existing customs by maintaining as well as possible so that existing customs continue in Indonesia. society in accordance with the development of the times to come.

Thank you for reading my post, see you in my next post.

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