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Cousin's wedding party

Hello hive friends that I love, wherever you are, how are you? Always be healthy to be able to post your best photos on this whereIn platform huh..

Today I want to tell you a little about my activities yesterday, yesterday I went to my cousin's party which was in Keude Aceh. I went with my extended family who are from Sigli. I went at 10 and was immediately invited to eat by the same brother.

The party was very lively and the invited guests were very large, making it crowded with people in the area. There I met a lot of my family and friends, where my friends and relatives haven't seen each other for a long time. I feel very happy to be able to talk and also tell them all

And here are some photos that I took when I was at Ulumuddin's court and the exciting match was taking place.

Maybe that's all I can tell you on this happy night, Thank you for everything