activities in the afternoon

Hello hive friends I love, wherever you are, how are you? Always be healthy to be able to post your best photos on this whereIn platform huh..


This afternoon, I visited again to Dayah Ulumuddin, Ulumuddin is the place where I studied and grew up. I found many things there. After I graduated from the dayah, and also often visited there, saw the atmosphere of the dayah and also saw the activities of the younger siblings there.


This afternoon I also saw a lot of children in the field, various kinds of activities. Some are running after their friends, some are practicing the sacred footprints and some are practicing taekwondo. They are very enthusiastic and also very happy to see from the look on their faces.


I went up to the top of the school building, to see the happy children from above. And don't forget, I also took a picture with my personal cellphone from the top of the school building



Maybe this is all I can say at this meeting, sorry if there are mistakes and thank you for everything.

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