Total Lockdown: Day 19 of 20

Time flies when you are sitting in your condo basically doing the same thing day in and day out for nearly a month. Isn't that the saying? Well it probably will be at some point in the future because we aren't the only ones that have had to go through this. A lot of countries had to do it, they just got there a year earlier.

There are worse places to be locked down than where I am, that is for sure.

Dreaming of going outside Nadi? Me too

We got some decent news last night but I am not getting my hopes up on it actually being true: We were told through the grapevine, which is always a terrible way to get your information, that restrictions are being eased starting tomorrow morning. I'm not gonna get all wrapped up in if that is true or not because I am at the point where I don't even care anymore.

What this new freedom means is that "green zones" and my area is considered one, is going to be allowed to leave their houses. Restaurants will be allowed to open for carry out and delivery only, and some other shops as well. I don't know the specifics. The main good news is that I will be able to take Nadi for walks and perhaps get a little exercise myself.


I don't think she ever tires of it and I don't really either but we have been having a LOT of spaghetti bolognaise lately and i don't think I've had a vegetable or fruit in 3 nearly 3 weeks. If the restaurants do open again, I'm gonna try to get some salads in me for a few days.

There is one benefit to all of this and I have actually been contemplating extending my visa if the government will allow it. I am living somewhere that is exceptionally cheap that normally would not be.


This view isn't exactly world class or anything but it is just to showcase how close to the beach I am. People would normally pay a lot of money for something like this and normally, in the place i am staying right now it would cost more than double what I am paying to stay even here. At the moment this 1 bedroom condo is around $325 a month and it was near $1000 a month in a "normal year" and they were able to get that quite easily.


I still haven't even gotten in that water but it is there if I want it. For now we all just get together up here and drink beers. I'll bring Nadi with me some days but the other people that live here that have dogs will also do that every now and then and Nadi doesn't like other dogs.

My old condo, which was twice the size of this one but less luxury recently gave me an offer to attempt to lure me back. They are offering it as 4.8 million VND, which isn't even $200. These are just crazy prices and it is difficult to not want to take advantage of them if you can.

I know that I flip-flop worse than a politician on these things but at the end of the day a big part of my decision process is made in regards to finances and it is pretty difficult to argue with the fact that this area that I am in is extremely cheap and is very likely to stay that way for a very long time.

We find out the official word tomorrow and I guess you could say that i am hopeful that we get some freedom back. It has been a reasonably difficult near 20 days but another thing to consider is that the restaurants will not be able to open up straight away, they don't have any food and even if they did it has been sitting there for 20 days.... do you want to eat that?

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