Tomorrow is the Super Bowl... Do you care?

It is quite difficult living on the other side of the planet from where the sporting events take place for me to retain any real interest in American sports. I used to love them when I lived there . It was so much fun to go to my local BW3's - which is now called Buffalo Wild Wings and is a much larger institution than it was when I lived in USA - and just watch all the games on many screens with loads of other people while getting drunk and eating awesome chicken wings. The medium spice ones were my favorite.

These years I only ever watch one NFL game live every year and that is coming up, for me, at stupid o'clock in the morning tomorrow, which will be Monday for us. I will have to wake up at around 5am in order to have time to walk and feed my dog and then walk to the place that is hosting it, which is called Dirty Fingers.


There are a lot of other places that host this event but this one throws the best party. They also have 7, around 80 inch TV's and a projector so nobody misses any of the action. Basically any place in town that serves as some sort of sports bar is eager to open for this game because as strange as it may sound given how far away we are and our rather unpleasant history with the Vietnamese, Americans constitute a rather large portion of the overall expat population here.


I have relatives that live in Kansas and lived there for a bit when I was a wee baby so I am obligated to cheer for the Chiefs tomorrow although to be honest, I don't really care who wins. It's difficult to remain a sports fan over here since unless you really like what is going on in Australia, the time zones make keeping up with whatever is going on quite difficult unless you are a serious night owl, which I am not.


The special that Dirty Fingers puts on is pretty damn awesome too. For 300 VND which is around $14 or so you get unlimited Huda beer while the game is on as well as a buffet of all sorts of stuff. This place is a smokehouse so normally you get a bunch of wings, sliders, and brisket. They don't skimp on this stuff either and because I went to the party last year I know where the buffet setup takes place and we intend to get there early to make sure that our seats are right next to it.

The event is sponsored by the American Chamber of Commerce so I am presuming the owners of this place are very well connected. Regardless of how it is that they are able to make this happen I am glad that they do. Last year me and my two cohorts drank 14 beers during the game and we intend to beat this record tomorrow. I know that this is a crazy amount of beers to drink but we are crazy people a couple of times a year and tomorrow is one of those days. I am sure that Tuesday is going to absolutely suck especially if I try to stay out after the game is over. Hopefully I have the good sense to go home after.

So wherever you are in the world tomorrow, I hope you enjoy the game. I know that I will and probably wont remember the last quarter of it other than who wins.

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