SublimeSunday: Attending Procession, Church Mass And Nature Traveling


Edited By: Incollage Maker Application

Greetings to all of us Aseanhivers, today I will some of the greatest and enjoyable moment happens to my Life Today. Each place here in our Country celebrated Fiesta and this time, Barangay Punta Silum Celebrated their Barangay Festival and the Patron is Senior Santo Niño. Each of us has belief, Tradition and culture and this kind of activities was started from our great ancestors and elders during their Time. Barangay Punta Silum celebrated their Barangay festival Every Month of January 18 and they make a procession in the National Road. Some of my pictures was captured last day during the festival. It was raining during the procession, but still there are many people joined that activity.


Exactly 8 AM last day when the processions has been started and many people joined the activities including our Parish priest. I decided to wait the procession and joined walking along with church goer people. Even of it was raining still they are very happy and proud bringing their Santo Niño. The holy child patron was put in this vehicle carefully and their are people also who holds the statue so that it wont fall to the ground. The law enforcers did their best to do traffic in the busy road. It helps people safe away from crowded vehicles.



Children was also joined the Parade or procession. They do this kind of special activities every Barangay Fiesta. It takes almost half an hour of waiting before we arrived at my waiting place. As they arrived, I joined the processions going to the church for a mass. Some of the church are dancing waving their hands and some of them are singing a worship songs.


The Band also joined the procession together with their percussion instruments like drums, saxophones, big drums and liers musical instruments. They are the one who brings music to the processions and they played the music theme of the Santo Niño festival. They wore their Santo Niño tshirt and they also danced along with the rhythm of the music.


After the processions, the Mass was helded at Barangay Punta Silum Santo Niño church and even if there was a rain, still many devotees and church goers attended to the church Mass. Exactly 11 AM when the mass was ended and after that, the church goers went in their homes celebrating fiesta and serve more foods to their guests.

A Nature Hike Adventure:


The next day, I decided to went at the river to explored and searching some beautiful and fascinating place. While walking at the river, I noticed this area filled with many trees , rocks and clean water. This is a perfect spots to all children who loves to bathed in the river. There is a big acasia tree grows near at the water and a big chunks of stones rolled down from the top of the mountain. Those stones was already filled and covered with algae plants and it addens the beauty of the place.

A Manggoe For Lunch:


I really love eating ripe manggoes during lunch, it keeps me more appetite of eating rice with ripe manggoes. I was very surprised because some of our manggo tree already produced first fruit and I am very happy of it.

Dicovering this Giant Bee HIVE:




Next, At the middle of my Nature travel activities, I noticed this big BEE HIVE fall from the highest tree here on our place. I checked if there was still honey left but it is already empty. I think this bee hive was fall to ground because of an eagle. Eagle loves to eat honeys, and I was very amazed of what I've seen. This is my first time to see this kind of thing nearly. That was my great happens to my Life and I always keep doing this kind of activities and share to all of you here.

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