My Insect Photo Hunting

Good evening everyone, How are today? I hope that you are all fine.

Tonight, let me share my post about my recent insect photo hunting that makes me more amazed and enjoyable. Here in our place many different kinds of insects just like, ants, grasshoppers, and many more.

Some of my post contains some behavior with the insects and its enemies.

Grasshopper and Ants


I was very surprised and amazed about the insects I seen. A grasshopper and ants walking in the floor. I noticed that the ants attacking the grasshopper to used them as their food. The grasshopper were dead and the ants carried them away.

The garsshopper were so very pity and because of interesting phenomenon, I taked a picture with them and it is very fascinating.

The Centipede Insect


This is what we called ulihipan, a kind of insect that is very poisonous. Sometimes, if this kind of insects stings an allergic person, it can lead to death. It contains a hundred legs depends on how long it is and can make a fast crawling.

This kind of insect mostly lived under the big stones, dry leaves and in the coolest place just like under the dead trees. The length of this kind of insect mostly reached at 6 inches, depends of the condition of the surroundings.

Many people who lived here were victims of this kind of insect, that is why we are so very carefull by walking on the bushes and or grassy areas.

A Native Spider


This is what we called, tapay-tapay, a big native spider that is living on the dry leaves and or under the furniture. This ia a fast crawling insect and can easily catch their prey. I am to scared with this kind of spider and it can make me run.

This picture was captured when I see waiting for its prey to catch. Luckily, it doesn't run while im taking the pictures of it. This spider contains a long legs, big stomach and a hairy legs and ut helps to climb it up on the wall.

The Japanese Shell


This the big japanese shell. It was very fascinated by seeing it. I seen it in my bonsai plant crawling, when I am taking the pictures, I noticed that they are two in that places.

This kind of shell mostly lived in the bushes and in the grassy places. Some of the japanese shell lives in the wet areas, under the stones or in dried bamboo leaves. This kind of shell is not an aquatic animals, it is a dry land animals. The shell of this animals. Is good for decorations in the house. But I prefer to lived them alone and free.

Thank you for reading


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