My Wednesday Walk | A Bountiful Harvest of our Coconut Tree 🌴🌴 🥥

Have a Blessed Day Hivers!!!

Here in our country, especially in the province, one of the main sources of income is farming because our country the Philippines is rich in good types of land that can be planted with any type of plant and can be turned into a farm, just like Coconuts 🥥.

For today, I will share with you all our harvest of the fruits of Coconuts, only gratitude and praise for God.


In the evening, my uncle told me that we would harvest our coconuts. I am not the only one to harvest because we have many cousins ​​who harvest at the same time and there is only one who will go up to get the Coconuts. About 8:00 in the morning, I went to my small farm because my cousins ​​had already started and climbed the Coconuts first and they had just finished, they gradually gathered it in one place to just one haul.


As I continued to my small farm, I was also slowly hauling the coconut fruits using the buffalo and the one we call Kangga where the coconuts were placed and the bearer was also one of our youth in our Church. and Jomar. I continued there and when I arrived, the harvesting started next to me, my Uncle's farm, which also had a lot of coconut trees, so it took them a while.

I also helped pick the coconut fruits and put them somewhere but I was not alone because I was with my uncles and aunts, and also with one of our youth in the church, Jicel. I am really thankful to him for helping him, mass became easy what we do. About 9:50 o'clock, my uncle's coconuts were also finished climbing, so mine was next. There aren't really many coconut trees on my small farm because there are only 16 of them but only 14 have been planted because there are no fruits that others can sell.



We continued to climb as we were assigned to climb the coconut trees and we also continued to pick its fruits with Jicel still. This kid was really nice because he didn’t really leave me until you guys finished at that time of 11:20 in the morning. Then I counted how many coconuts I had and it came to 204 in all. Not much but thank God for this grace. They say each is ten pesos so I also have more than 2,000 pesos, this is also a big help to us.

Since it's almost noon, it's time for us to have lunch and we are really thankful to my very kind aunt who will never get tired of preparing food for us every time like this and really enjoy what she prepared because of vegetables from his crops, and we were all very full.



After we all ate with the one we had assigned to climb and the hauler, we rested first before continuing to haul all the coconuts that had been harvested, and brought them all to just one place.

I was accompanied by those who were assigned to haul with the buffalo and coconut and I saw that many of them had all hauled, about a thousand in all, maybe. We finished hauling all the coconuts around 3:00 that afternoon and we just waited for the buyer to arrive and the buyer arrived around 6:00 that evening and it was also sold. ito. The only thing left in what we sold was about 1,800 because we still paid for the climb and the haul, I gave it all to my mother and she will take care of where she will use it. Although he is not really big but for us, that was a big help.

All in all, I thank God for all the blessings he has given me every day, no matter how small or big it is, we are in good health and in good health.

To God be all the Glory! 😇

Your Friend


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

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