Cell Group Fellowship in Other Areas and Our Other Members

A Blessed Day Hivers!

Our life is given by God so everything we do is for God and He is the only one who should be thanked and praised.

Today is another good work for God that happened to us because I joined another Cell Group Fellowship and this time it was in another Area or another group.

After being at the house of one of our new members, a few days later we were here at the house of another member of another group. I shouldn't really be joining this group, but as a support to their group and only a few people can join, Jicel and I joined our other youth, Ptra Em2x is also with us.

We arrived there around 3:00 in the afternoon because we had important things to do in the morning. When we arrived they were already there waiting for us. Actually, the fellowship schedule is not here, so they were not able to prepare because there was a conflict with the time in the house that was actually scheduled, so it was canceled first and thank God because this family is willing to accept the fellowship.

After the opening prayer is the distribution of testimonies or teaching of the goodness of God. Each one of us shared and one of the good testimonies was shared by one of our members because she just gave birth and her child is still in the hospital due to pneumonia but thank God because they are finally out and even financially, God has provided.

Now it is also finished that everyone can share testimonies and God is really very good because of those that have been shared. In just a few moments it was time for us to give praise and worship to God through our singing and dancing to God, and this time one of our youth, Cristine, brought singing for God.


It's really fun and delicious to give praise and worship to God. Now it's time for us to hear the Words of God and this time Ptra. Em2x will bring the distribution of God's Words. His method is different because he will give verses and each of us will share what we understand before he explains and he can explain God's Words well. Ptra's method is also better so that everyone can participate and know what is on their mind about the Word of God.


It was about 5:30 in the afternoon when we finished our routine here and before we left, we took a picture of this very cute and beautiful child who was like an angel. We left for a few moments because it was almost night and we still had a long way to go, but we went home happy and full of gratitude to God.

To God be all the Glory! 😇🤗🙏

Your Friend


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

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