A Day in My Life Blog: A Triple Celebration - From Sunday's Church Divine Service to Autocross Competition during the 75th Founding Anniversary Celebration of my Town - Manticao 😇🤗😊

Have a Blessed Day to all ASEAN Hivers and all my Fellow Hivers all over the World! 😇

Greetings to all of us here in the Community. Another week another great event and memories I will be sharing here in the community.

I am very thankful to God for as the new month started, I am very blessed for every day He gives me courage and strength to overcome all challenges in my life. I would like to thank also all my supporters and co-hivers who never stopped supporting me.


Today's post will be all about what I did last Sunday from morning until evening which is very busy and happy.




Let me share first my morning activities. Since today is Sunday, it is our Church Divine Service day. I just woke up at around 5:00 in the morning to cook and prepare for me to go to church early.

I just arrived at our Church around 9:00 in the morning and the service had already started. We begin it with an opening prayer then some testimonies and then Praise and Worship.

After the Praise and Worship, sharing of God's Word will be next which my Senior Pastor will be assigned to preach as today is the first Sunday of the month. We also had members who asked for prayers from our Senior Pastor, so we also prayed for her.




Our Sunday Church Divine Service ended at noon then we took our lunch. We then decided to go home after we had cleaned and done everything we needed to in our Church.

Knowing that our town just celebrated its 75th Founding Anniversary it was very exciting that an Autocross Competition was happening in the Municipal plaza and this was the first time happened here in my town. So, I have decided to go to the plaza together with my cousins and friends and witness the said event.

It was very nice watching this kind of sport for the first time here in the us. They had some obstacles and other difficult ways to compete and everything went very well. There were lots of people watching here but it was very safe.




It was another great memory to keep today as what happened. Now, the autocross ended around 5:00 in the afternoon but we didn't go home because we were having dinner here with my cousins and family in Christ.

My Aunt just brought rice and we bought some grilled chicken and pork here in the night market located here in the plaza. We were all very happy eating together here with this family of mine.

After our dinner, we stayed for a while in the plaza to have a rest for a while then we decided to go home, and thank God for the protection and guidance, and we just went home safe and sound.

This would be all for today's post and until next time again and I just want to thank everyone in advance will dropping by on my post.

To God be all the Glory! 😇🙌☝️

Your Friend


Thanks to @kennyroy for
the animated GIF.

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