Hello everyone, how are you? I hope readers don't get bored with me greeting you with the usual words. Still in my travel story, today I discovered a new location. I am happy with this new discovery because with the discovery of this new location I can schedule my sales alternately.

I do this deliberately so that my customers don't get bored of me. What I mean by boredom is twofold, maybe bored of seeing my face and bored of spending money.

To avoid customer boredom, my sales system does not focus on one place every day. Luckily I sell in the city of Bekasi where new housing is being built.

Like today I came to a complex that was just built last year, I have to maintain my attitude and politeness so that I am well received here.

The residential road that I passed was about two kilometers long, I was afraid that I would faint here because today the sun was very hot compared to yesterday.


With the remaining strength I had left, I walked along the road slowly. Slowly but surely and before I get to the end there I will definitely find something interesting for me to rest for a while.

In this place I am alone, it feels very calm because this road is not a shortcut to another direction, even though it is calm I still have to be careful of bad things.

Only a few people cross this road and I don't know them either. I can guess the response of those who saw me playing with my cell phone. But that's not important to me because the pleasure of photographing is what I feel.

Taking photos in a new place feels fun but I still remember my original goal.

An old man invited me jokingly to race a tricycle to our same destination. I agreed to his challenge even though I knew I couldn't beat him.

That's all my story and don't forget to thank all my friends who have stopped by my blog, bye.

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