Hello everyone, how are you, I hope everything is fine, amen. In this still dark morning, I have prepared everything related to my sales, such as arranging my fresh milk one by one and taking a morning shower.

But there is one thing I have to prepare for the sake of my energy and health, namely my breakfast. My breakfast side dishes are not yet available because yesterday afternoon I hadn't bought them in my local area.

So, in order to maintain my health, I have to look for side dishes. I am a person who doesn't bother with my breakfast menu. As long as there is rice, whatever side dish I have, I will definitely eat it too.

In the morning, it was still dark, I walked along the small road in the complex around me. I didn't bother looking for it because I knew that my neighbor, who was not too far from my boarding house, had a vegetable seller. Usually he goes around around 08.00 in the morning so I'm sure he will still be at home.

Sure enough he was serving other customers, in his wheelbarrow there were lots of kinds of vegetables and spices but what I bought this time was only tempeh and cooking seasonings.

Because I'm not good at cooking, two raw ingredients are the right solution for me.

I just need to cut it into small pieces, mix it with water and seasoning and then just fry it.

It only takes 15 minutes or less, in my opinion, it's ready for my breakfast. Apart from being easy, fried tempeh has high protein and what made me choose fried tempeh for my breakfast is that it is more economical.

This is a father who, apart from his job of earning money, is also a father who has to think about how he can leave money for his family.

I enjoy this struggle even though I don't know when it will end.

Thank you all, I hope everything goes smoothly today by ALLAH Almighty, amen.

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