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At what point have you tested people enough? ffs

The testing of the community here in Da Nang has gone from being a bit of an inconvenience to something that a certain portion of the population is refusing to do. The Vietnamese do suppress information that is available to the public and there are rumors of social media being infiltrated by the government. I have no idea if this is true or not but I do know that in the past 2 weeks our little area has been summoned for testing 3 times. Lately, a lot of people are no longer going to these events because seriously, how many times do the same people need to be tested for the same thing.


The Vietnamese people are not exactly known for being massive questioners of their government. In fact, one could kind of safely make the assumption that they are pretty well indoctrinated and will always do what they are told. But even a complicit population has a breaking point and many Vietnamese people have had enough of the testing... probably because it hurts, it disrupts your lives, and they are afraid of what will happen to them if they test positive.

Us expats feel the same way but we don't really have rights. I suppose we have the right to leave the country if we really want to and that could be considered a bonus in the minds of many Vietnamese who do not have this ability.

Yesterday yet another order was send down the line telling us that our community needs to be tested AGAIN despite the fact that there has been severe lockdowns where we can't even leave our own houses, and everyone had already tested negative 3 times.

Here is the response that one of my friends had to their landlord's passing on of said information.

This is the way that most of us in the expat community feel at this point. If the test works (and there is lots of information out there to suggest that it actually does not) and we have been in isolation all this time, then what the hell is the point of the repeated testing? I have no idea what these tests cost to administer, but it is more than nothing and doing them over and over and over again just seems like a waste of money to me.

Plus, if the lockdowns that are now implemented nationwide have some sort of beneficial impact, then why are the numbers rising at a rate that we haven't seen even when there were no regulations at all? And don't tell me some pollical bullshit about how it takes some time for it to gestate or something because we all know that is a bunch of crap. 5 months ago we were free as birds, we have had very little freedom since then and at the moment we have almost none yet the numbers keep climbing not dropping.

Has the government been compromised by big pharma? I wonder if that is the case. USA kind of tells Vietnam what to do in regards to everything so it really wouldn't surprise me at all if USA has instructed Vietnam to create bigger Covid death numbers so that they can push the vaccine on the population. Vietnam can not afford 90 million doses of vaccines and therefore compromised governments that big pharma owns around the world such as western Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Japan will be the ones who are picking up the tab.

I can't really imagine any other scenario than this. This country doesn't have any money and neither do most of its inhabitants. Just wait.... the push for the vaccine that is having dubious results around the world is going to be the next thing that is forced upon us.