3 Heritage foods, provisions for Acehnese fighters during the colonial era.

Aceh from the sultanate era to post-independence has never been separated from war.
The war did not always leave sorrow, but also left an appetizing culinary legacy.

There is a line of traditional food from the Veranda of Mecca, initially often used as a "ration" (stomach boost) for Acehnese fighters in the past when they fought.

  1. Pulot


Pulut or pulot is a typical Acehnese food made from a combination of sticky rice and coconut milk, after that it is cooked, and then wrapped in banana leaves, freshly baked.

  1. Pisang rebus


This one fruit is also often used as provisions by heroes, besides being easy to find, bananas are also rich in benefits. Such as increasing energy, improving blood circulation, and keeping the heart working. No wonder the boiled banana dish became a food that was often used as a provision during the colonial period.

  1. Singkong/Ubi rebus


During the colonial period, rice became a luxury food that was not easily obtained by the community.
Instead, they replace rice with cassava or boiled yam as a staple food.
Although simple, but cassava can be a source of energy for the body.

During the colonial era, not only people's freedoms were limited, but it also affected food. Because various crops were seized by the invaders, thus making the citizens and fighters starve.

However, at that time the food that became their provisions was very simple, to support the stomach and increase the body's energy.

Those are some of the foods that were inherited by the Acehnese fighters, until now these foods are still served in the country of the Veranda of Mecca, (Aceh).

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