My birthday trip in the silence

Good day Hivers πŸ™‚

A couple weeks ago was my birthday. At this moment was not good idea to celebrate my birthday by meeting up with friends at the restaurant or the bars.

Physical connection would stop for a while. πŸ™

Well I am the Buddhist, my belief was to go to the temple to do pleasure things on my birthday ; make merit, pray respect to the Buddha or whatever

I am determined to go to one of the famous temple in the Bangkok inner city. Unfortunately, I did not take any photos inside the temple. Did not need to show off this activity on my social media to be honest. The one I felt amaze was that I walked through the famous backpacker spot of Thailand but from what I saw, it's kind of I was walking through the Silence Hill


It's β€œ Khao San Road”, from the nearby temple where I walked out. Everyone knows that this is the best place for nightlife sightseeing for tourists.
Previously, in moments of noisy clubs, bars, restaurants and hostels were really great chaotic and lots of people did partying.

Normally, everyday morning, there was a sensation of bustling path at Khao San road. Some people came for a walk and some vendors had opened their business.

But my feeling for this was different

Every block had closed, few of the restaurants inside were empty as if they stopped operating their businesses and moved out. All gates closed!! I did not see people gathered around.


This path I walked from the beginning aisle to the end was an awkward, silent and miserable moment. I could touch the chilly wind , yes it's nice honestly,very private but this is not the scene I expected to see ahead

This is because of government measures imposed for entertainment venues closure without notice, due to we still have increasingly infected cases.

I felt oddly depressed. Overwhelming by not in the good way. Felt sympathized with those who cannot work in virtual lock-down. What can they do for living now? It's been racing my mind.

Just a simple hope and I wish it could be completely back to the normal situation soon. I want to get back to this nightlife so bad


Thanks you guys for visiting my content 😊

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