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I want to be a janitor

It was a warm afternoon, I walked out of the office with a lot of thoughts going on in my head. There's a lot of unachievable goals being wet by the company and I've been set up to work on those impossible. Believe me those self improvement programs that always turn negativity into a positive vibe, don't work most of the time.

I've signed up for the GDL course, set to sit in next week. It's only a matter of time when the job is going to put me into trouble. At this point, anything goes wrong, it WAS already my fault. When the boss wanted a report, they wanted it yesterday. I did think of resigning the damn job and being a janitor. At least I deal with rubbish, and rubbish won't bite.

The sun was so hot by the time I arrived at the restaurant, I think I sweat my underwear and outlined my brief through my pants. I guess, I will have to anticipate this kind of situation as well when I am a driver. I can't possibly be hoping to enjoy air conditioning all day long.

Older voice: You don't study hard, you're gonna end up be a janitor

School kid: What's wrong with janitor? I wanna be a janitor.

Older voice: No! You little prick! You need to study up, get good grades to find a high pay job!

School kid: No, you hired a bunch of grads to work for you and you didn't go to the university.

That was a lengthy conversation I've overheard. Just because I was thinking to be a janitor earlier, there and then at the restaurant overheard this conversation. How funny the rebellion kid answering the older voice(presume to be the parent). I'm not saying the kid is right. They young, and they need guidance. Giving instruction to NOT be a janitor definitely not the way to do it. Kids are like a piece of blank paper. You don't do correction on a blank paper. If the kid decided to draw, help them draw by giving advice, not draw on their piece of white paper.

Whilst I'm not a piece of blank paper, on one end the fire is burning, and the other end is an unknown roll of thermal printing. It's not about occupation anymore. If sweeping the floor can pay me enough to feed me, my family, the house and cars, I don't mind spend 12 hours sweeping everyday. I need to seriously consider my life and my income on every aspect. I don't eat, my family still need to eat.

I hope that kid able to find a balance, be someone as business minded as his parent, rather than listen to the parent. Clearly the parent owned a business where graduates work for the boy's parent, but they're selfishly hoping the kid be a doctor.