The Laughing Fish by Harry Ramsden @ Genting

One of the most significant thing in Genting Highland being it's low temperature. To many its cool air, but for most Malaysian this is our only winter place 🤣

On this occasion, we headed out at night, the roof top of SkyAvenue shopping gallery is open concept,. coupled with rain and strong wind, we all crave for a warm plate of food and a hot cup of latte. The surrounding is foggy and we had a hard time trying to decide which restaurant to crash into.

Finally we landed in Laughing Fish, one of the world famous fish and chips from UK branding. We're not exactly sure if this is gonna be good since it's our first time. Good thing is, it's warm in the dinning scene, and there's live band covering familiar tunes. Pretty sure it's not English band, considering the food price we paid is hardly matching the British pound in conversion.

Coffee Latte is pretty darn strong. I must say, British can make good tea 🤣 I however not a fan of strong latte, or I could have ordered a cappuccino instead. Kids will share a hot chocolate. I took a sip of it, it's... a hot chocolate. Nothing to shout about. If we must compare, Starbucks yield better in terms of dollar per Oz 🤣

Restaurant environment is clean, lights are dimmed so I couldn't really comment much on the cleanliness. Satisfied without seeing a roach rubbing around. However, live band was way too loud in my opinion. They pump the volume to an extend of a headbanging heavy metal concert. Nevertheless, they even sang Chinese song to accommodate different audience. Kudos to that.

Fish and chip arrived in style. The batter is crunchy and salty. I haven't been to England, but I think I like the usual Tatar sauce we had here in other localized restaurants. I need it to be more sweet and more sour. The fries was actually pretty darn good, until home minister openly discuss about how deep fried stuff can cause cancer. We had to at least leave a few behind to prove her we're sincerely taking care of our food in take.

I took an adventure of German sausage in a fish and chip restaurant, how original 🤣 I know fish is more expensive. I however, like to consider the density of the food and the portion to judge on the price I paid. To simplify, I judge food value by volume rather than quality 🤣 The sausage, is as good as the localized German sausage. I'm sorry I can't tell how good an actual German sausage until I really go to German and have a German sausage there. I'm not regretting paying almost same price for a beef sausage dish as a plate of fish and chips.

As I was having my meal, I felt my butt was a little too cold and my back are freezing. As I took a turn and found a huge door gap behind my back. It was a marvelous experience. Home minister didn't eat anything as she's still very full with the heavy late McDonald's lunch. Total bill set me back some 80 bucks, which is NOT affordable considering we only ordered food for 2. But hey, English restaurant yo. Had I convert the bill into Great Britain Pound, that's less than 20£, I guess it's very reasonable. and considering the band sang me a graceful 海阔天空 to conclude my first English restaurant experience.

The Laughing Fish by Harry Ramsden @ SkyAvenue Genting Highlands

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