Donating life

"Blood is like a river of life, that flows within us one and all And while most of us have the ability to give, still so few do Donors are often sought, sadly few care to answer the call"A poem about giving blood...
Writer: Gil Gonzales


Never in my Chinese life will I imagine giving blood has become a regular thing, where I repeatedly doen every couple of months. It's not about how much do I care about other's life, it's not about reponsbilities, I think it felt more like a ritual thing. It feels like, naturally when times up, I'll have to find the blood bank and give it to them.


It's been 3 months(coming to 4 I think) since the last I give my blood to someone needed. The questionnaire are required to fill up by potential donors has always stir up a big smile on my face, especially the first two question.

1st being, how are you feeling today. Often I find myself wanted to say, I feel like giving blood. How do you think I would feel if I present myself to the blood bank? Think I'm playing?

2nd question is, are you purposely donate blood to get yourself HIV tested? I find it ridiculous and offensive to even asked. Is there anyone that went for a bareback sex with a prostitute, cheap enough to not do his own HIV test, and has to go to blood bank to give a huge bag of blood just to get it tested? Absolutely absurd.


Life have never been more beautiful than having the ability to give blood. I used to give blood, and then I lost it due to body condition, and so glad I can continue to give blood again after I fixed my body couple of year back. May be not for long, doc said my statistics is at the edge of losing the ability to give blood, I'll have to either take care of my food intake, start getting active again? Or I'm not only risking next blood donation, I could ended up with stroke, paralyze, brain dead, heart attack, or whatsover urban disease.


Blood bank is located inside a very famous mall, I remember couple of months back I had to obtain a travel permit to get there in for my blood donation business. This time, it's like people mountian people sea. This shows that how well my government handle things. It's like magic. You oughta lock down when the infection is 500 a day, but you can start a new normal when we hit 20k a day. LOL. Anyway, the latest news being, despite the daily infection case dropped drastically to 5k a day, but the hospital occupancy rate seen a 22% increment. This makes me think, more people choose to spend their holiday in a hospital after reopen of the country, rather than at the beach hotel?


Here, found the photo back in June from my previous blood giving during lockdown. Isn't that amazing?

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